In an abandoned house in a small village, five youngsters discover a secret passage to a mysterious world hiding a priceless treasure. However, the joy brought by this extraordinary discovery will be short-lived for Lou and his friends. Threatened by immoral villains, our young protagonists have no choice but to plunge into this strange world to save themselves and embark on a treasure hunt that push them to their ultimate limit....
Psychological crime series following the investigations of interrogation experts Julie Beauchemin and Maxime Moreli....
At the heart of Victor Lessard is a troubled cop and an addictive, unpredictable mystery. The murders are strange and unsettling, the work of a deeply disturbed mind. And as Victor goes deeper into the mystery, untangling the clues, trying desperately (and in vain) to stop more murders from occurring, his own behaviour becomes more erratic....
At the heart of Victor Lessard is a troubled cop and an addictive, unpredictable mystery. The murders are strange and unsettling, the work of a deeply disturbed mind. And as Victor goes deeper into the mystery, untangling the clues, trying desperately (and in vain) to stop more murders from occurring, his own behaviour becomes more erratic....
Karl, Max and their friend Yvon see their destiny forever shatter when they discover a bag containing a gun and lots of money! By taking the decision to keep the loot of 2.6 million, they will be propelled into a world to which they don’t belong, caught up in a race for millions with the organized crime....
Chief inspector Constance Forest and her team match wits with petty criminals of all kinds in the fog-shrouded North Shore of Montreal....
This summer, Jérémie is determined to mojo back! Haunted by a painful secret, the young woman finds refuge in a new job at the Domaine du Lac beach along with five lifeguards: Raphaëlle, Camille, Olivier, Thomas and Maxim. What better way to forget your troubles than partying in the sun?...
In Montreal in 1945, a few months after the end of the Second World War, Jean Thibault, aka IXE-13, Canada's top secret service agent, is now the respected owner of the Crystal Club in Red Light and a former hotel above the club that once belonged to the Mafia....
Éloi, whose father was killed in a hunting accident a year ago, is called to take part in a strange tribute ceremony in the country. There, immersed in a disturbing world of strange mystical codes, he learns that his father was tracking a huge buck with awe-inspiring antlers alongside the “Indian”. After several outstanding short films, Aurtenèche delivers a first feature that obliquely references the legend of Saint Hubert, who encountered the Almighty while hunting a stag. A cryptic thriller, ...
Montreal, spring 1966. Jean Corbo, 16 years old, born to a Quebec mother and an Italian father, is torn between his two affiliations. After befriending two young far-left activists, he joined the Front de Libération du Québec, an underground radical group. Jean, from then on, marches inexorably towards his destiny....
Seven years ago, Max’s parents died in a car accident. Since then, the young man, now 35, has been treading water. He manages his father’s hockey memorabilia shop, lives in the apartment upstairs, and watches each and every Habs game with his friends. But he’s forced to take a hard look at his life when his girlfriend, Julie, leaves him, and his sister, Nathalie, comes back to town....
Devastated but furious after his girlfriend dumps him on a metro platform, 23-year-old Cedric takes off with his unfinished novel in his bag. Fate leads him to a large, rundown house owned by Isabelle, a onetime star pianist and faded beauty. Isabelle, now a lonely 76-year-old alcoholic, passes her days at her piano and with her group of eccentric boarders. From their first meeting, Cedric knows that Isabelle is the love of his life, and Isabelle realizes he is her last chance for love. Driven b...
Sigismond Langlois is submitted to a psychiatric evaluation on account of his violent behavior. He just turned 18, and pretends he was born with no image. Throughout the questionnaire, he recounts the peculiar existence of a young man who never saw himself, neither in reflection nor on photo, to the point of sometimes doubting of his own existence. But today, Sigismond is determined to make himself heard....
In 1863, a group of snow-bound travelers invokes the devil, who gives them a flying canoe for them to go home. When one of them finds his wife about to die in labor, he makes a pact with the devil to save her and his newborn daughter Liza. He then cheats the devil of his prize by sacrificing himself. 25 years later, Liza wants to marry her beloved Jos, who has to go away to a remote logging camp to earn money to save his farm, but the devil is determined to ruin her happiness....