Life's a Zoo is a Canadian stop motion sitcom created by Adam Shaheen and Andrew Horne II. It is directed by Alexander Gorelick. A co-production of Cuppa Coffee Studios and Teletoon, "Life's a" was named Best Animated Program or Series at the 24th Annual Gemini Awards. It premiered on September 1, 2008 on Teletoon's late night programming block, "Teletoon At Night". It premiered on Smosh's Cartoon YouTube channel, Shut Up! Cartoons on June 23, 2013....
Princess Sissi is a French-Canadian animated series. it debuted on October 27, 1997 on France 3. The series is based on the life of the empress of Austria Elisabeth of Bavaria, nicknamed "Sissi"....
A dangerous virus appears in a group of homeless people, causing a risk of outbreak. How long will it take Anne-Marie Leclerc, director of the Emergency Public Health Laboratory, to realize that an actual epidemic is starting to take shape?...
A peculiar neighbor offers hope to a recent widow who is struggling to raise a teenager who is unpredictable and, sometimes, violent....
The beaches of Saint-Jean-de-Monts, a small coastal region of the French Loire, fill up with tourists in summer. But when fall arrives, its great hotels and luxurious spa-resorts become deserted. A situation which Leo takes advantage of to live far away from everything and everybody....
Having both suffered extreme losses, a man and a woman try to form a relationship....
Abbas, a young Iranian without work papers, has found refuge with Claire and her daughter Colette at the cost of a risky strategy: to avoid any questions, Abbas and Colette make the whole village believe they are in love. Until this winter day when Colette comes home after a party, accompanied by a boy her own age, Lucas. A little tale about uprooting....