Three's Company is an American television sitcom that aired for eight seasons on ABC from March 15, 1977, to September 18, 1984. Developed by Don Nicholl, Michael Ross and Bernie West, it is based on the British sitcom Man About the House created by Brian Cooke and Johnnie Mortimer. The story revolves around three single roommates: Jack Tripper, Janet Wood, and Chrissy Snow, who all platonically live together in a Santa Monica, California apartment complex owned by Stanley and Helen Roper. The ...
Squidbillies is an animated television series about the Cuylers, an impoverished family of anthropomorphic hillbilly mud squids living in the Appalachian region of Georgia's mountains. The show is produced by Williams Street Studios for the Adult Swim programming block of Cartoon Network and premiered on October 16, 2005. It is written by Dave Willis, co-creator of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Jim Fortier, previously of The Brak Show, both of whom worked on the Adult Swim series Space Ghost Coast...
Miniseries based on the 1977 autobiography by Philip Caputo about his service in the United States Marine Corps in the early years of American involvement in the Vietnam War....
Rickety Rocket is an animated television series, produced by Ruby-Spears Productions, and ran from 1979 to 1980 as a segment on The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show....
The domestic adventures, misdeeds and everyday interactions of five families living on a cul-de-sac in a small California community....
A massive blackout plunges a major American city into a night of terror....
Bad Cat (voiced by Bart Braverman) is a lively cat who sets out to prove that a feline does not need to be tough to have class....
17 year old Kyle comes to the big city in search of her half-sister Merci. Merci is on the run after being used to set up a murder. The police and the killers both want her....