"Block B - Under Arrest" is the story of Bea Kroeger, who is charged with attempted murder of her husband. During the pre-trial detention in the prison Tempelhof they must fight for their place in the pecking order among the inmates perforce. As a rookie experienced Bea - and with it the audience - the hardships of prison life and learns the hard way that there are other rules apply as in the outside world. Faster than you would like, Bea must realize that the only person she can trust while in ...
Con artist Maik Schäfer switches his fake conductor's suit for a real soutane while trying to escape custody and ends up in the catholic parish of Läuterberg. Standing in for Vicar Sanman, Maik participates in the parish members' fates and fortunes, and deals with their problems in his own unconventional way....
Felix Winterberg is the great-great-grandson of the famous Albert Einstein and himself a recognized physics genius. Because of a deadly hereditary disease, the brilliant researcher only has a few years left - which he wants to make as labor-intensive as possible thanks to various illegal stimulants....
Digital / 2006 / 41 minutes....