Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from the various field. So far, many of idol stars and famous actors have appeared on the show. The show introduces viewers to exotic locations around the world where celebrities must work together in order to complete missions and survive. The cast celebrities travel to less habituated, natural places to survive on the...
A coming-of-age story and realistic romance about young college “villains” who are still learning about love....
Kim Soo Hyun experiences the unfathomable when her daughter is kidnapped and murdered. Discovering a miraculous ability to go back in time exactly two weeks before the event, Soo Hyun races against the clock to unravel the plot and save her daughter. But when a private investigator sheds new light on the crime, Soo Hyun uncovers a secret far more treacherous than she could have ever imagined....
In 1994, college students were crazy about college basketball, and Korea's hip-hop artists; with students from various countryside areas attending college in Seoul, they mingle together for true friendship, love and lots of fun at a boarding house....
When Jo Gang-Ja attended high school, she was notorious for fighting. She gave birth to her daughter A-Ran in her late teens and became more responsible. Her daughter A-Ran is now a high school student, but A-Ran is bullied at school. Jo Gang-Ja decides to go back to high school to protect her daughter. Jo Gang-Ja becomes a high school student again....
A reality and competition show where members are joined by celebs to complete a weekly mission to win the race with Seoul as the beautiful backdrop....
Youth Over Flowers is a South Korean travel-reality show which premiered on tvN in 2014....
This time-slip drama centers around Bong Pil and his five friends who travel between the past and present through a manhole in order to stop a wedding scheduled a week later....
Male celebs play make-believe as high schoolers, welcoming star transfer students every week and engaging in battles of witty humor and slapstick....
Forget the existing one-act dramas! Short but impactive! KBS Drama Special presents high quality single episode dramas. Dramas are the broadcast content with the widest public appeal. KBS Drama Special will produce short dramas of far-reaching impact involving at times a serious social message, unique emotions or perspectives. It will stay abreast of modern viewership....
Woo Tae Suk is an experienced and well-established detective with a long professional career, but in spite of everything he is a lonely and bitter human being. It all has to do with him only focusing on solving cases, while his actions are completely controversial because it crosses the line between good and evil. Woo Tae Suk crosses paths with a psychopath, but he cannot arrest her because of lack of evidence. The woman eventually decides to help Woo Tae Suk solve other cases....
Infinite Challenge has been reported as the first "Real-Variety" show in Korean television history. The program is largely unscripted, and follows a similar format of challenge-based Reality Television programs, familiar to the audiences in the West, but the challenges are often silly, absurd, or impossible to achieve, so the program takes on the aspect of a satirical comedy variety show, rather than a more standard reality or contest program. In order to achieve its comedic purposes its 6 hosts...
"Coffee Friends” was inspired by Son Ho Jun and Yoo Yeon Seok’s “Coffee Friends” project, where they distributed cups of coffee to citizens in exchange for donations. In the show, the duo with help of Yang Se-Jong and Choi Ji Woo, they will run a cafe located in a tangerine farm on Jeju Island, and they will donate the profit to a charitable cause in the end....
Cold and precise, An Dan-Te is the no-nonsense director of Yoo Seong CRC, a company which specializes in the restructuring and resurrecting of companies on the brink of failure. Sent to Joybuster, a game company on the brink of bankruptcy, Dan-Te takes on the role of CEO and wastes no time in trying to get this company back on its feet. As head of game development at Joybuster, Shin Yeon-Hwa teams up with her new CEO, in an attempt to save their dying company. Tasked with developing a new game ...
Led by a trio of Korean celebrities, a multinational panel of men engage in mostly lighthearted debates on issues that affect Korea and beyond....
After ten years, a loyal employee is framed for embezzlement, then murdered by his employers, only to be reborn as their youngest son, with a yearn for revenge guiding his hostile takeover. based on a hit novel....
'That unforgettable spring of 2009.’ A heart-fluttering and passionate first love story of three high schoolers who were awkward and new to love, but desperately in search of one....
Two men, one recently out of the army, walk a trail to a mountain. Uphill and downhill, cool breezes in the shadows of the trees, shouts from the mountaintop. They go hiking and share their regretful love stories....
A couple decides to adopt a child to overcome the loss of their third child whom they lost to an accident. They adopt a boy who is visually impaired, hoping that raising him would make up for the insufficient love they gave to their lost child. The adopted boy has an acute sense and begins to notice that there is another presence in the house. He discovers that the presence is a boy who died a year ago and summons him back to the family. The mother gets obsessed with communication with her lost ...
Adapted from same-name popular manga. Hyeon-woo is visually impaired but always listens to people. Then one day, Chong-soo comes along and talks about the murder that occurs in his book. However, the murder in the novel becomes real and Hyeon-woo is getting more and more scared! Who is responsible for the serial killings?...
Grae, who failed to be a professional Baduk player, Young-i, who always has been lonely because of changing schools frequently, Oh Deputy department head who has been spending his life in a hurry, Dong-shik, who always has been coy about the love affairs, Baek-ki, who was so tired job applicant and Suk-yul, who engrossed father and uncles’love. Let’s see the past of characters of Incomplete Life....
The story begins when the actress sits in an empty theater expecting a secret date and a strange, young man sits beside her and starts drinking the actress' coke....
Based on a true story about the horrifying incident that happened to the band who went on a trip to Chuncheon....