Bani – Ishq Da Kalma is an Indian television drama series, which premiered on March 18, 2013 on Colors. The series was originally titled Gurbani, which means the composition of the Sikh Gurus. The title of the series was changed after several concerns reported by Sikh organizations, including Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. The team completed 100 episodes on 2 August 2013. The story is set against the background of Punjab, and revolves round Bani, a young woman whose life is ruled by h...
The story of how Indian Emperor Chandragupta Maurya and his teacher Chanakya work together to unify India and Defend from foreign invaders....
The story of Indian warrior Porus and his life especially the Battle of the Hydaspes with the Great Alexander....
Inmates at a Bihar shelter endure sexual abuse. Medical exams confirm 34 victims out of 42 at the Muzaffarpur facility run by the NGO Sewa Sankalp Evam Vikas Samiti....
Only child of a doctor couple is murdered in her sleep inside their large duplex apartment....