El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos. The show aired on Spain's Cuatro channel from launch until June 2011 and is now broadcast on Antena 3. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Marron & "The Man in Black", and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas. It has proved a ratings success, and has expanded from a weekly 12...
Zapeando is a live chat where its host and its collaborators talk about the most highlighted moments of the television, as well as the spaces more and less loved by viewers, the best videos and video edits, the mistakes of other hosts, remembering old people who had success on television or the most talked-about commercials. In addition, the format supports introducing guests to some programmes that help to chat about some TV moments (called momentazos, big moments) or simply talk about their mo...
One of Spain's best talent agents in the '90s, Paquita now finds herself searching desperately for new stars after suddenly losing her biggest client....
Set up to take the blame for corporate fraud, young Macarena Ferreiro is locked up in a high-security women's prison surrounded by tough, ruthless criminals in this tense, provocative Spanish thriller....
Are you happy? With this question, Zoa and four other attractive young people, very active on social networks, are invited to the most exclusive party in history on a secret island, organized by the brand of a new drink. What begins as an exciting journey will soon become the journey of a lifetime. But paradise is not really what it seems - Welcome to Eden....
Quique is dispatched to a village in deep Spain Teruel to lead its politics of recuperation but soon discovers he was sent there so that his girlfriend and leader of his party could spend more time together....
When a kind of rabies that transforms people into aggressive creatures spreads across the planet, Manel isolates himself at home with his cat, relying on his wits to survive; but soon they must go out in search of food, by land and by sea, dodging many dangers....
Spain, 2003. An accidental discovery leads Clarence to travel from the snowy mountains of Huesca to Equatorial Guinea, to visit the land where her father Jacobo and her uncle Kilian spent most of their youth, the island of Fernando Poo....
Andrea lives in the year 2052 and her job consists of travelling back in time, inserting herself into our heads to make us aware of the importance of energy efficiency in safeguarding the environment. The goal of these journeys is to change the fate of the world, but Andrea is also planning to change her own fate, preventing her past self from committing the mistakes she now regrets so much....
Manel, a physicist working on his PhD thesis, accidentally fall in love with Elena, a young model and aspiring actress....