La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well ...
Produced by Cuatro in collaboration with 100 Balas, the Flipy producer responsible for the season's revelation series, “Chiringuito de Pepe”, Flo and Dani will act as masters of ceremonies in “Sopa de Gansos”, an original and surprising television show with humor as the absolute protagonist directed by Eduardo Aldán (“Espinete does not exist”, “Caiga who falls”). "Sopa de Gansos" will be a great television show where you can enjoy comedy in all its forms....
El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos. The show aired on Spain's Cuatro channel from launch until June 2011 and is now broadcast on Antena 3. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Marron & "The Man in Black", and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas. It has proved a ratings success, and has expanded from a weekly 12...
La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well ...
After taking over a ramshackle little hotel, bought by mistake at an auction for an exorbitant price, the Garcias live a new adventure, helped, much to their regret, by a group of gifted children who are staying at the hotel to attend the Talent Final. Together they will confront the mafioso Benito Camarena, who will try to snatch the loot hidden in the hotel from the Garcias....
Juanita decides to abandon her family and go to a convent where, together with a group of extravagant nuns, she must discover the mysterious murder of a priest....
A year ago, Ricardo and Felipe, in charge of taking the children to a camp, stayed outside the train leaving the children inside. Clara no longer trusts them and this year she decides to take the children personally with the help of her friend Susana. However, now they will be the ones who, as a result of an accident, are separated from the children....
In Madrid, Azu's husband Filipe is smug and boorish, but it's his money she slips to family members constantly in need of cash and that she uses to buy gifts for her lover, Pablo. Things start to fall apart when Pablo wants to leave her and when Filipe wants to evict Azu's cousin from a butcher shop he rents. Azu hatches a plan that relies on her sister, her cousin the butcher, and his mentally-challenged delivery man. When things start to go wrong, can Azu make them right?...
When Ricardo, a responsible father, decides to personally take his son to a camp in Asturias, other parents propose that he should also take care of their children. When the train is about to leave, Felipe, a flamboyant individual and grandfather of two of the children, shows up at the station....