Ozzy & Drix, also known as The Fantastic Voyage Adventures of Osmosis Jones & Drixenol and Osmosis Jones: The Animated Series, is an American animated television series based on the Warner Bros. film Osmosis Jones and it was produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It takes place inside the body of teenager Hector Cruz. The series premiered on September 14, 2002 on the Kids' WB; the final episode aired July 5, 2004. Unlike the original movie it spun off from, Ozzy & Drix was entirely animated and con...
As Told by Ginger focuses on middle schooler Ginger Foutley who, with her friends, tries to become more than a social geek....
It's about Kuzco, a self-centered and spoiled teen who must survive the trials of Incan public school and pass all of his classes so that he can officially become Emperor. His friend Malina keeps his attitude in check, while the evil Yzma (cleverly disguised as Principal Amzy) and her dim-witted sidekick Kronk are out to make sure Kuzco fails....
In the year 2113, the earth is attacked by the inhabitants of Elysium, a planet located at the end of the Galaxy. Four men join in the final battle to save the planet....