Following the lives of five young women in Barcelona. Close friends whose professional lives, friendships, love, passion and sense of humour make up a series of stories that revolve around self-assurance and loyalty to one's principles...
El cor de la ciutat is a TVC television soap opera first broadcast on TV3 on 11 September 2000 and last broadcast on 23 December 2009. The show is the most watched fiction program in Catalonia, Spain, especially among female audiences, drawing around 28-33% of the audience with as much as 40% during season finales. El cor de la ciutat follows the lives of the people who live and work in the neighbourhood of Sants and Sant Andreu in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain....
Eduard, a husband and father who loses his family in a tragic accident, travels to parallel universes to seek a better fate for his beloved wife....
Valencia, 1993. For Ignacio Jordá, sex is his greatest obsession. But Nacho is done with being the black sheep of his family and wants to show he can do more than drift through life, even if that means "fucking" everyone....
A woman’s body disappears mysteriously from the morgue without a trace. Police inspector Jaime Peña investigates the strange occurrence with the help of Álex Ulloa, the widower of the missing woman....
Beldar and Sonja, a pair of thieves, steal a precious gem from the crypt of the Order of the Thousand Eyes, a daring act that will lead to unforeseen consequences....
The story of an odd family in which two uncles, apparently bachelors, play the role of mother and father for their two orphan nephews in the Valencia of the 1960s and 70s....
While three brothers, heirs of a hotel owner, want to restore the glamour of yesteryear to the establishment, a Health Department official tries to find a way to close it down for good....
Armelle, a French nurse who just recovered from the stab in the face she got from Nadim, his partner, starts a search to get back her daughter, who was taken away by Nadim. Alone before the law, she will do all she can to reach her objective. She puts up posters, founds an association, gets funds to pay for the search, and informs the media about it. An amazing human team gets down to work from France to Montreal, including Paris and Vancouver, until Armelle can hug her daughter again in an airp...
In 1909, the Rigau brothers are the owners of the most important textile factory in Feixes. When Francesc dies, Julià, a dark and ambitious ex-military man, takes over the steamer and confronts everyone to make uniforms for the Spanish army that is fighting the war in Morocco....