On the show, the eponymous main character resides at the Newtown Zoo, with friends Otto and Stella. The adventures Benjamin gets involved in often require slipping into various roles, learning new jobs, or discovering new and distant places....
Bibi Blocksberg is a normal little girl - although she can do magic she still has a lot to learn. She's always full of entertaining ideas, one little "Wizz-wizz" and a problem is solved or maybe it's just the start of one....
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
Bibi receives an invitation to the traditional witch Halloween of the old witches Mania, Walpurgia and Runzia. It's a huge honor - up until now, young witches have never been invited! But Bibi can only be half happy, because on the same evening she has planned a big appearance with Florian and Marita at the Halloween party in the town hall....