The story of a group of friends in Madrid....
Alaska & Mario is a Spanish reality show based on the daily life of Alaska and her husband Mario Vaquerizo....
Aída is a Spanish comedy sitcom set in Madrid, that spin off from another sitcom called 7 Vidas. The show first aired on January 16, 2005 and is produced by Globomedia for the Spanish network Telecinco. It currently started its ninth season. The show stars Carmen Machi as the title character, Aída García, a working, single mother with two teenage children, forced to move in with her mother and brother to make ends meet. The show has received favorable criticism from the audience and has been t...
El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos. The show aired on Spain's Cuatro channel from launch until June 2011 and is now broadcast on Antena 3. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Marron & "The Man in Black", and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas. It has proved a ratings success, and has expanded from a weekly 12...
El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos. The show aired on Spain's Cuatro channel from launch until June 2011 and is now broadcast on Antena 3. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Marron & "The Man in Black", and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas. It has proved a ratings success, and has expanded from a weekly 12...
La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well ...
Zapeando is a live chat where its host and its collaborators talk about the most highlighted moments of the television, as well as the spaces more and less loved by viewers, the best videos and video edits, the mistakes of other hosts, remembering old people who had success on television or the most talked-about commercials. In addition, the format supports introducing guests to some programmes that help to chat about some TV moments (called momentazos, big moments) or simply talk about their mo...
El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos. The show aired on Spain's Cuatro channel from launch until June 2011 and is now broadcast on Antena 3. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Marron & "The Man in Black", and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas. It has proved a ratings success, and has expanded from a weekly 12...
How the Uruguayan-Spanish actor, writer, producer and director Narciso «Chicho» Ibáñez Serrador changed forever the way of producing programs for Spanish television....