Elisa Cantú never imagined that, upon returning to Mexico from New York, where she resides, she would encounter an unexpected tragedy that changes her life. The night Elisa would celebrate her birthday, fate leads her to meet Leonardo Velasco, a policeman in love with Julia, a teacher, to whom he was to marry. At the end of the evening, Leonardo receives an emergency call, in which the discovery of two bodies is reported, one of them is that of his fiancée, who lies next to the body of Augusto C...
La vecina, is a comedy-telenovela produced by Lucero Suárez for Televisa. It is the remake of the telenovela La costeña y el cachaco produced in 2003 by RCN TV....
Chepe Fortuna and Niña Cabrales are from different social classes. Chepe is a poor fisherman and Niña is from a wealthy family. He wants to become mayor to stop her wealthy family from building a port to industrialize the town. Niña is an ecologist and dissident from her family. She wants to help the community. Their love is brought together by dreams and the past, though they do not know it....
La Mujer Del Vendaval is a 2012 Mexican telenovela produced by Mapat L. de Zatarain for Televisa. It is a remake of the Venezuelan telenovela Un Esposo para Estela. Ariadne Díaz and José Ron star as the main protagonists, while Chantal Andere, Marco Muñoz, Manuel Flaco Ibañez and Florencia del Saracho as the main antagonists....
Rebeca murders her sister Adriana to end up with the man she loved, and becomes the step mother of her niece Lucía. Nora, Lucía's half sister and daughter of Rebeca, resents Lucía for the same reasons Rebeca hated Adriana, as history repeats itself....
Primera Dama and English is a Colombian telenovela Caracol Televisión, adaptation of the eponymous Chilean telenovela Channel 13 in 2010. Starring antagonistically by Carina Cruz together Javier Jattin; addition to the debut Caracol Televisión of Christian Meier, shares has stellar Kathy Sáenz and Jacqueline Arenal; and involving antagonistic Caleb Casas....
Lucio and Martina used to share an indescribable chemistry during their highschool years, however, they took separate ways. 25 years later they meet again, but this time they decide to invent an ideal life in order to hide themselves from an inevitable truth: they were really waiting for each other in all of these years....
The De La Mora siblings concoct a mischievous plan to break into their old family home to retrieve a hidden treasure of significant importance....
A new virus of unknown origin appears during 2025, creating chaos on Earth. Four people die under strange circumstances, all related to a high ranking government officer. They had in their possession classified information about the origin of the virus....