Quelli dell'intervallo is an Italian situation comedy produced by Disney Channel Italy. The show focuses on kids as they chat and get into unexpected situations while at a window in their school. After Disney's success with the show, the idea was replicated throughout continental Europe, and eventually Asia, Australia, and the United States. In total, fourteen different shows have spun off from Quelli dell'intervallo. The show finally ended in 2009 ending the series with Quelli dell'intervallo...
Quelli dell'Intervallo Cafè is an Italian television series, second spin-off of the best known Quelli dell'intervallo, original format of As The Bell Rings. The series is set in the Nico's uncle's cafe, Quelli dell'intervallo cafè, where Nico and Tinelli work after school. There often sings Jaky, Nico and Tinelli's schoolmate and an emerging popstar. He has a bodyguard, named Brusco Lino. All the adventures of the boys are accompanied by the smell of croissants and the presence, not always welc...
Sofia is the black sheep of her family. She is a 28-year-old gay girl who can’t help but cheat on her partner and struggles to find a stable job. She has left a little town in Calabria, her homeland in Southern Italy, to move to Milan, where she lives with her roommate Alessandro. Mauro is Sofia's brother. Reliable and loving, unlike Sofia with whom he has a troubled relationship, Mauro has never left Calabria and runs the family winery. Despite their opposite attitudes, Sofia and Mauro has one ...
Ten classmates have disappeared on the evening of 3rd March 2011. The boys were in the family home of one of them, Fabio, for a party. But the next morning, none of them was still there. Gone, vanished into thin air. A few months later their parents receive an anonymous DVD, which contains the shooting of what happened the night of the party. They are not just shootings, but something similar to a real movie about that night. Edited, set to music, post-produced. But who shot that video? And why?...
Leo falls in love with Beatrice, a slightly older high-school student who has leukemia....