Set in 1996 in Lincolnshire, the show tells the tragic and humorous story of a very troubled young girl Rae, who has just left a psychiatric hospital, where she has spent four months after attempting suicide, begins to reconnect with her best friend Chloe and her group, who are unaware of Rae's mental health and body image problems, believing she was in France for the past four months....
Maya, the young communications director for a New York senatorial campaign, receives a wedding invitation from her college schoolmate now living in London. She leaves her professional and personal life behind, in favor of traveling to England and reconnecting with old friends and ends up in the midst of their personal crises. Relationships are forged and broken, political scandals exposed, London social life lampooned, love affairs ignited and doused, and of course, there are four weddings…and a...
Teenage musicians travel to England's Spike Island in the hope of attending an outdoor performance by their favorite band, the Stone Roses....
The story sees a 40-something trans man recalling and reliving his first romantic entanglement....
Boys On Film comes of age with uplifting and powerful tales recounting the lives of everyday heroes striving for their own identities and fighting for the right for us all to be ourselves. Volume 18: Heroes includes ten complete films: Dean Loxton's "Dániel" starring Csémy Balázs, Hilda Péter, and Henry Garrett… Niels Bourgonje's "Buddy" starring Daniel Cornelissen and Tobias Nierop… Tamara Shogaolu's animated "Half A Life"… Victor Lindgren's "Undress Me" starring Jana Bringlöv Ekspong and Björn...
After traveling to the UK for an abortion, three Irish women spend the night together in London....
In World War II London, nine-year-old George is evacuated to the countryside by his mother, Rita, to escape the bombings. Defiant and determined to return to his family, George embarks on an epic, perilous journey back home as Rita searches for him....
In a parody of "Game of Thrones," nobles from the Eight Kingdoms gather for Purge Fest 3000 to try and put an end to their violent conflicts, while members of the Fat King's own family conspire to overthrow him....
HOLE_AID presents Up the Catalogue, an ambitiously small film set in a fictional shopping channel by the name of 4QTV. Tasked with flogging a seemingly endless cycle of questionable products, star presenter, Hailey Cartin, is starting to fear she might be trapped in live television. When a rival product demonstrator eventually forces Hailey to confront her own quest-defying reality, will she ever be able to climb out of the hole she’s now in? Maybe. But maybe not. (And certainly not without the...