The Eddie Capra Mysteries is an American mystery television series starring Vincent Baggetta that aired on NBC from September 8, 1978, to January 12, 1979. The series centers on a lawyer who investigates murders and has a knack for solving them....
A married teenager sets out to find his long-lost brother and sister years after all three had been placed with different families following their abandonment by their migrant worker parents. Luckily, he finds a compassionate social worker who, at first reluctantly, decides to help him cut through the bureaucratic red tape....
A series of freak accidents on the Los Angeles freeway traps a cast-load of familiar TV faces in an astounding traffic tie-up, with the entire system caught in a gridlock that John Beck, as a traffic expert, endeavors to unsnarl....
An exploration of our cultural obsession with vampires and what they reveal about the human psyche....
Two kinds of love are experienced by young Ricky Schroder in this made-for-TV drama. One kind is the tenuous affection he extends to his estranged father when Schroder's mother unexpectedly dies. The other kind consists of the teasing sensations felt by Schroder whenever he approaches a girl his own age....