An original sitcom from YTV, revolving around the employees of a travel agency in Kyoto whose job is to respond to tourist customer complaints. Once called the “Travel Master” Kyoka Takase was transferred to a different office after a conflict with her superior. However with her expertise in planning and numerous connections, she uses her skills to create the perfect travel plan one customer at a time!...
Takashi Ten is called to a mahjong club one night to play against Igawa Hiroyuki, a young mahjong player. Having just robbed Ten's friends blind at mahjong, Ten arrives to take back his winnings. Ten's mahjong style becomes more apparent as the game progresses... amateurish! Ten cheats in the last round, using a move called the Tsubame Gaeshi and winning with a Tenhou hand. Hiroyuki is angered once Ten admits he cheated after the game. Will he come to understand Ten's "Way of Tenhou", where Ten ...
Hotshot Nagase Saichi is Tosaka Real Estate’s top realtor. He lies through his teeth and will stop at nothing to seal a deal. One day, he disturbs a monument located at a construction site. Cursed with the inability to tell a lie, he is forced to run his mouth off with things that are better left unsaid. With so many angry clients, he's got no hope of surviving as an honest realtor....
Sakurazawa Jun is 27 years old and excels in her job, is fashionable, has many hobbies and lives a very fulfilled life. Her life is driven by her primary motto "love is just a waste of time!" and she has no experience in romantic relationships or with men. Before her appears Nagamine Shuma, an incredibly handsome chef in training who knows exactly what women want to hear and feel. He's someone who lives in the moment, lets people come and go, is cool and not serious about love. For some reason,...
Tsuji Eriko, who is the ace in her cosmetics company’s public relations division, always gets the man she targets. She has the contact details of hundreds of men in her mobile phone. No man has ever cut her off. A god appears before Eriko and declares that he intends to test her for the lowest level. “Who do you think I am?” An irate Eriko starts by aggressively flirting with Ogura Tsukasa, the person in charge of her company’s cosmetics at a major advertising agency, but the god ruthlessly judg...
After participating to a previous show where they have to bet or be challenged to any kind of competitions, the losing members of the Gaki no Tsukai are selected to spend 24 hours in a setting which they have no knowledge of the theme nor the course of the events. They are exposed to various absurd and crazy situations nonstop for 24 hours and must refrain from laughing. If they do so, hang-men appear and hit the rule breakers with a weapon (the weapon varies every year)....
In the end of Meiji era, Takei Chiyo was born in a poor family in Osaka, and was sent to a theatre tea room as a servant when she was 9 years old. There, she was attracted by the world of theatre comedy. She grows up to be an actor and marries to Amami Ippei , but the war broke out and she was forced to stay away from acting for a while. However, when she comes back again, her acting in a radio drama impresses many people and makes herself one of the leading actors in western Japan....
Set in Tenma, Osaka. Matsukichi (Kento Hayashi) is the son of a samurai. His father is killed because of a grudge and Matsukichi is also in danger. At this time, Wasuke (Masahiko Tsugawa), the owner of the store Ikawa, saves Matsukichi's life. He then begins working at the store....
Saki's father is an alcoholic and her mother is a follower of a new religion. She sees her father's strange behavior and her mother's loneliness. Her family is collapsing, but Saki struggles to look for her future....
Sōra is a high school student who is basically invisible at school. He is friends with Chūya, who is an unpredictable character that often surprises those around him. Sōra and Chūya both have feelings for the same classmate, Kio Machida. The Machida girl refuses to come to class, because she doesn't want to dye her naturally brown hair black. Their school has unreasonable school rules, especially about uniforms, which include requiring all students to have black hair. Sōra and Chūya decide to st...
A yakuza movie starring Koji Matoba, depicting the lives of men left behind in the times. In the Ryuan-gumi, which is based in Yokohama, drug business was prohibited by the leader Engetsu. One day, in order to protect leader's teachings, Mouri of the Ryuan-gumi assassinates the leader of the Yamagami group, a hostile organization that trades drugs. This causes a conflict with the neutrals in the Ryuan-gumi. During this turbulent time, the leader Engetsu asks Mouri to take care of his son Saig...
A year later, Mouri was demoted, and Saiga was expelled from the gang. Engetsu suddenly fell ill, and in Yokohama, where Engetsu's influence waned, drugs began to spread. Amid the unrest, Mouri and Saiga begin to confront each other....
Shota Kadomatsu, a first-year high school student who transferred to a private Takehana Boys' High School surrounded by four girls' high schools just because he wanted to have a girlfriend. However, the class he entered was a group of problem children, Class 1 G, who were isolated from the school building and feared by the teachers. Shota is surprised by the dilapidated classroom and his classmates with strong quirks, but he spends his days happily in love and friendship. However, the evil organ...
Three years after Tozai Ikusa (mahjong tournament), Hiroyuki Igawa receives a letter that Shigeru Akagi’s funeral ceremony will be held. Hiroyuki Igawa attends the funeral, but he is surprised when Shigeru Akagi appears at his own funeral ceremony. Shigeru Akagi states that he is ready to die in a few hours. He then faces the people, including Takashi Ten, whom he played at Tozai Ikusa....
A new film by Hayato Kawai....
Former punk rocker Jonen, now a Buddhist priest, seems to have lost the meaning of his life. His manic depression handicaps him further. Music seems to be the only solution for him to exorcise his demons, against all obstacles and sound volume controllers....
A 3rd year transfer student from a Tokyo middle school, was emotionally hurt in the soft tennis club she belonged to at her previous school. Unaware of this, Tamako pesters Aki to teach her soft tennis. Together, they go about creating a court on the campus of a closed-down school....
Hachi, the loser in all the car races, was in despair. Though one day, editor of runner magazine, Okada came and recruited him. With the natural talent of Hachi and the knowledge of Okada, Hachi is getting stronger. His rival is now Kazutoyo, who is fully equipped with high-tech machines....
Atomu (Shuhei Nomura) was raised by his mother in a poor environment. He is now a young adult, but he stutters and has timid personality. To support himself, Atomu works part-time for a used junk collecting company. Atomu finds inspiration in rap music and his life changes....
Following the comic series and the subsequent television serial of the same name, and featuring the same cast, a young and relatively inexperienced man comes across a woman during his working day and sparks fly....
A clumsy but cheerful fisheries student struggles to find her place at a research institute renowned for its tuna cultivation. The work isn't easy....
Taishi lives with his father Kazushi. His mother left home when Taishi was very young and he barely has any memories of her. He believes that his mother left home to study in Paris. His favorite moments come once a week when he receives a letter from his mother. But one day, during Taishi's summer vacation, he learns that his mother isn't in Paris but in Shodoshima, Japan. Taishi then decides to take his pet dog with him and bicycle from his hometown of Yokohama all the way to Shodoshima. On his...
The main character, Nao, was looking for a man who was based on the letter of his late mother. Along the way, Nao runs out of power and collapses in front of a certain temple and asks the temple priest "Semimaru" to help him....