The show is divided into several segments, each one offering contestants prizes in return for achieving a set of challenges or game tasks given by the host. The prizes offered range from cars and motorcycles to gold, cash, vacation packages and household items. The show is funded by sponsors, advertisers and commercial brands...
Ashti is the story of a Bengali girl (Resham) who works as a maid for Abrash's (Humayun Saeed) affluent family. Ashti is engaged to Nazrul Islam (Faisal Qureshi) but is secretly in love with Abrash who sympathizes with her and encourages her to pursue her education. However, she soon discovers that Abrash is to marry Zarnish (Angeline Malik)....
The story of Daagh drama serial completely revolves around the life of a house wife named Umama, who has four daughters....
A simple story of our society which revolves around a lively girl, Kiran. Kiran is a fun and loving girl, yet she values herself a lot. Kiran’s parents accept the proposal of Sikander, who is in love with Kiran after meeting her for the first time in a marriage ceremony. After they both get married, Kiran falls madly in love with Sikander, but very soon she discovers a very strange and sudden change in her husband’s behavior....
The Lux Style Awards is the largest award ceremony held annually in Pakistan since 2002. The awards celebrate "style" in the Pakistani entertainment industry, and it is the oldest event dedicated to cinema, television, fashion, music and film industry in Pakistan....
Dusri Bivi is a romantic love triangle....
A unique story of a boy named Abdul Qadir. He has a heart of gold whose life goes through many twists and turns because of people around him trying to influence him. He is an obedient son but his parents are too busy with their own lives. So, he befriends a girl in his neighbourhood by the name of Zareen, who is a spoilt and fast girl. She gradually influences him towards drinking alcohol and smoking. When he proposes to her, she rejects him and a heart-broken Abdul Qadir is sent to England by h...
From attraction to falling in love, Sharjeena and Mustafa will take you on a journey of the 7 stages of love!...
The idea of "showing money and getting things done" is widespread. Gulab Mughal is the son of an honest policeman and grew up watching his father walk the right path, but it's not the path to happiness. Activist Jia has even worse plans for illegal money in the country....
An aspiring actor succumbs to pressure from his father and takes up the role of lawyer....
A modern poet Jamal who is against the traditional Urdu Poetry reads the biography of Mir Taqi Mir,one of the greatest poets of the 18th century. And sees Mir's reflection on his personality....
3 children now have a task of defeating babe balm who is rising again....
A guy falls in love but can’t get married before his older sister....
The kids are going about their lives like other children, at times finding it difficult to control their powers. It is only during a school trip when they run into the mysterious circus performer, Erma , that things start to heat up....
Now settled into married life, Pervez and Sheikh jump at the chance to travel to Turkey with their wives to visit Pervez's well-to-do brother-in-law, Rahat....
An incident brings together three reckless and struggling souls who are chasing their ambitions and desires....
After three hapless souls plan a big heist, things go hysterically wrong along the way....
The movie revolves around three childhood friends, who are married and settled in their lives but are afraid of their wives....