Bukod Kang Pinagpala or Mother's Love is a Filipino drama series created by RJ Nuevas and produced by GMA Network. It premiered February 11, 2013 on GMA Afternoon Prime block, replacing Sana Ay Ikaw Na Nga and February 14, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. It concluded its seventeen weeks run on June 7, 2013 with the total of eighty-two episodes, and replaced by Maghihintay Pa Rin on its timeslot. The series headlines Camille Prats, Jennica Garcia, Jackie Rice, Mark Anthony Fernandez and Mona Lou...
Munting Heredera or Little Heiress is a Filipino family-oriented drama series created and developed by Maryo J. de los Reyes for GMA Network. Playing the lead role of Doña Anastacia, a rich widow in search of her "munting heredera", is the multi-award winning actress and one of the original Queens of Philippine cinema, Gloria Romero, making her television debut. The show was first shown on May 9, 2011, replacing Dwarfina on GMA Network and on May 11, 2011, on GMA Pinoy TV. Worldwide, via GMA Pi...
A family of bloodthirsty monsters descends on the city to take revenge on the man that caused the death of so many of their own....
A group of young people accidentally get locked in a parking basement, and become the victims of a malevolent supernatural force....