A political drama set in Bihar of 1990's, this story shows how an illiterate woman handles the state as Chief Minister. Rani Bharti's life takes an interesting turn when her husband Bheem Singh Bharti, announces her as the next chief minister of Bihar. With casteism and traditional satraps in the background, will Rani survive this turn of events?...
Living under an alias, a former police informant is summoned to infiltrate a major drug empire but uncovers a dangerous connection to his dark past....
The iron-fisted Akhandanand Tripathi is a millionaire carpet exporter and the mafia don of Mirzapur. His son, Munna, is an unworthy, power-hungry heir who will stop at nothing to inherit his father's legacy. An incident at a wedding procession forces him to cross paths with Ramakant Pandit, an upstanding lawyer, and his sons, Guddu and Bablu. It snowballs into a game of ambition, power and greed that threatens the fabric of this lawless city....
Raktanchal is a crime drama inspired by real-life events from the '80s of Purvanchal, Uttar Pradesh, at the time when the state development work was distributed through tenders. The criminal empire of Waseem Khan, the tender mafia is challenged by a young criminal Vijay Singh who is driven by vengeance. The story sets in motion, a clash for acquiring tenders with a political battle in the background, which unleashes a bloodbath in the city of Purvanchal. Vijay must overcome great personal odds t...
Statesman and poet Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee's eloquence and vision shaped India's destiny. A look at his remarkable life as he led his country through a challenging period of change and development as the 10th Prime Minister of India....
When a young village boy discovers that his brother, long believed to be in America, has actually gone missing, he begins to invent letters on his behalf to save their mother from heartbreak, all the while searching for him....
In 1970s India, Sardar Khan vows to take revenge on the man who killed his father decades earlier....
After the death of his father and brother Danish, Faizal Khan vows to take revenge by destroying Ramadhir Singh's gang....
Deepak Singh was an ex army person and owned a small garment shop in a Rajasthani village. When his life struck by a tragedy, he migrates to Mumbai, with his wife and young child, hoping for a better life. However, upon arriving, he soon discovers the challenges of life in a big city....
An anthology of eleven short films from eleven directors featuring stories of life in Mumbai....
An anthology of six short films that explore the theme of 'twists' in the narrative and its various interpretations....
In a city plagued by a strange rise in fires, fireman Vithal and his policeman brother-in-law Samit reluctantly team up to solve the escalating crisis. Battling personal conflicts, they race against time to crack the case and save Mumbai....