Anna Karenina is a Filipino drama series created by RJ Nuevas and produced by GMA Network. It premiered on June 3, 2013 on GMA Telebabad block, replacing Indio and June 4, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series concluded its sixteen-week run on October 25, 2013, with a total of 80 episodes, and replaced by Kahit Nasaan Ka Man on its timeslot. The series features Krystal Reyes, Barbie Forteza and Joyce Ching. It is based on the 1996 original television series of the same title under the prod...
Dwarfina is a telefantasya produced by GMA Network starring Heart Evangelista and Dennis Trillo with Angelika dela Cruz. The show was originally to be aired November 2010 but was postponed to January 10, 2011. The show premiered on January 12, 2011 on GMA Pinoy TV, two days after its original airdate. After quite a successful run, it is set to be replaced by Munting Heredera and the series ended on May 6, 2011. It ran for seventeen weeks with the total of 83 episodes....
Alice Bungisngis and her Wonder Walis or Alice: The Giggling Witch is a Filipino drama-fantasy-comedy series created and written by Maribel Ilag, under the helm of Mark Reyes and produced by GMA Network. The series featured tween stars Bea Binene in the title role, with Jake Vargas, Derrick Monasterio and Lexi Fernandez, Sheena Halili, Janno Gibbs and Jean Garcia as the main protagonist. The series premieres February 6, 2012, replacing Daldalita on GMA's early primetime slot and February 8, 2012...
Reel Love: Tween Hearts is a Filipino youth-oriented series created by Kit Villanueva – Langit, under the direction of Gina Alajar and produced by GMA Network. It features the network's homegrown tween stars headed by Barbie Forteza, Joshua Dionisio, Bea Binene and Jake Vargas. The series premiered September 26, 2010. The show has been extend three times and now on its fourth season. Over its course, the cast has been growing and extending compared to the original main cast. Originally slated t...
Sinner or Saint is a Philippine correctional-theme drama series produced by GMA Network starring Dennis Trillo, Bianca King, Alessandra de Rossi and Polo Ravales. The series premiered on June 13, 2011 replacing Nita Negrita's time slot in the Philippines and on June 16, 2011 on GMA Pinoy TV, three-days after its original premiere. This is also the second suspense-drama afternoon television series after the success of the recently ended television series My Lover, My Wife....
The story of a unique family where a Mranaw man marries three different women for various reasons....
Amira (Elle Villanueva) is a family of doctors who live at the foot of the Makiling mountain. They get a lot of help but the albulars' income is low, so they can't get out of poverty....
A Philippine noontime musical and party variety show. What began as a search for the country’s most entertaining acts evolves into a hit variety program thriving on spontaneity and animated conversations while drawing talents from all walks of life....
Created by Annette Gozon, Glaiza Ramirez. With Derrick Monasterio, Elle Villanueva, Eula Valdez, Liezel Lopez....
The extraordinary story of Nonoy, portrayed by Derrick Monasterio, a jeepney public transport driver, turns into a superhero due to a mysterious object from a distant planet, on a crusade he finds true love....
The Half-Sisters is a family drama....
Six friends. One last epic summer adventure. Join a group of friends, who go on a vacation in La Union and encounter new experiences as they hang out with girls and party....
The film follows the long-distance relationship between Baneng (Barbie Forteza) and Iggy (Derrick Monasterio), two childhood friends who grew up in different parts of the world....
Ellie and Jake fall in love, but struggle with their relationship when they discover an unexpected connection between their pasts....
Born with two-different personalities in one body, Kiko and Lala struggle as they fight for their right to love....
A young girl has her first brush with romance. Unluckily for her, her paramour bears a dark, monstrous secret that will soon prove to be a challenge for their young love....