The Inspector Hynek Budik as been assigned chief of police in the area on the outskirts of Prague, With detectives Martin Novacek an inexperienced rookie and the inspector Havlik will seek to solve difficult cases of murder....
Three kings is Czech war series that was aired in 1998. It is loosely based on story of members of ressistance organization Obrana národa who were known Three Kings. This group consisted of Josef Balabán, Václav Morávek and Josef Mašín....
Policajti z předměstí is a Czech television comedy series which premiered on TV Nova. In 1999, 21 episodes were aired....
Vyprávěj je český televizní retroseriál vyráběný v koprodukci České televize a společnosti Dramedy Productions. Natáčení začalo v roce 2009 a první díl s názvem Od začátku byl uveden na programu ČT1 v pondělí 31. srpna 2009. Seriál je uváděn v týdenní periodicitě a stopáž každého dílu je cca 52 minut. Děj se odehrává v Československu a je zasazen do skutečných historických událostí, které ovlivňují příběhy jednotlivých postav. Dobovou atmosféru autoři navozují ukázkami z dobových Československýc...
Two men, one in a stolen vehicle and the other drunk, drive along a backroad to avoid city traffic. Suddenly both cars collide with an SUV and they are unwittingly drawn into a game of survival with a deranged rifle-wielding assassin out for blood....
An army deserter and a soon-to-be high school graduate embark on an ill-fated romance in this musical film set in the '60s....
A report is fabricated accusing a successful businessman, Patrik Grossmann, of racism. When the media launches a full-blown campaign against him, the atmosphere gets so thick that anyone can kick him while he's down just to prove their morality....
Thirteen-year-old Julia leaves Berlin, where she resides with her father, to spend vacation in the Czech Republic. While there she experiences first love, and also tries to help the local kids rescue a circus bear from a rich German hunter who's willing to pay for a bit of sport. If the parents get their way they'll use Mr. Big Game to finance the circus and even contribute to local pensions. The children and the bear head for the forest....