The Makai fight a secret war against the demon forces known as Horrors, evil creatures that manifest themselves through darkness to devour Humanity. On the frontlines are the Makai Knights, given the task of watching over a district and eliminating any Horrors that manifest there. GARO follows the tales of the Knights bearing the title of ‘Golden Knight Garo’, and their duty to vanquish the Horrors and protect Humanity from the darkness....
The Panther Claw organization is driven by a relentless pursuit of wealth, using any means necessary to achieve their goals. However, their plans start to unravel thanks to the unexpected interference of a seemingly ordinary girl. This girl, who initially encounters Panther Claw by chance, turns out to be Kisaragi Honey, the ‘daughter’ of the brilliant cyberneticist Dr. Kisaragi Koshirou. Recognizing her value, Panther Claw’s four members race to capture Cutie Honey. Kisaragi Honey, also known ...
A horror movie in which all the cast are women. Since she was a kid, her inspiring eyes went out to the psychic spots with the members of the "Psychic Study Group". However, one day she sees a naked ghost when she goes out as usual, and then something begins to go crazy......
It is the story of a compulsive Japanese worker obsessed with order; for everything there is a site, but he realizes that he can not finds his site....
Mio Sasaoka hears of a middle school student that was a victim of bullying and then committed suicide. Mio thinks the girl should have confronted her tormentors rather than committing suicide. Mio herself is the leader of a group of students at her school. She is a bully. Her main target is Maria Shiozaki who is weak. Mio pushes her into the swimming pool and scribbles on her book, justifying her actions because Maria is disagreeable....