The story follows two couples whose chase for fast money, constantly lands them into unexpected situations....
The movie tells the story of Sam, a successful neurosurgeon, who leads a contented life with his wife Devi, a reporter for a Tamil-language magazine. The entry of old and new friends wreaks havoc with Sam's emotions, causing ripples of doubt and mistrust. In the meantime, Devi finds friendship elsewhere, leaving Sam to wallow in his own despair. Amidst all this turmoil, Sam tries to hold on to his marriage and cling to his rational side. As the suspense heightens and the movie reaches its climax...
Vadagupatti Maapillai is a 2001 Tamil-language romantic comedy film produced, co-written and directed by V. C. Guhanathan...
An honest police officer's life turns upside down when he goes against a powerful mafia....
Jagathi a wedding broker helps two poor men, Dileep and Mukesh marry into a rich family through lies, but ends up blackmailing them for a large brokerage fee in return....
Jayaram acts as a mental patient to help out a girl in distress. Plans go awry when the doctors treat him like a real patient....
Welcome to Kodaikanal is a 1992 Malayalam movie written by Kaloor Dennis and directed by Anil Babu. The movie features Jagadish, Anusha, Siddique and Saikumar in the lead roles. The movie was produced by Hameed under the banner of Gemi Movies and was distributed by Pratheeksha Pictures....
Anantha Padmanabhan (Jagadish) steals Sankarankutty's (Premkumar) job as an elephant trainer by posing as him , in a town he was sent to work for....
s Akbar, a merchant from Arabia who helps out the people of Dharmapuri fight their enemies....
The movie depicts the life of Malayali families settled in the US. It discusses the clash of the cultures....
Anathan and Appukuttan are two young friends who come to the city to chase their dreams. They go through a lot of difficulties and venture into the real estate field while also meeting a girl, both of which change their lives....
Leela actress depressed with her father and on other hand Krishna actor suffering from daily tensions accidentally get connected on mobile lot of things get messed up and due to this Krishna has to forcefully marry leela will they stay together or get divorced....
Adhi, a policeman, plans Operation Dhanush to catch a dreaded terrorist, Badri, and save innocent lives. However, when Badri, threatens his family, he must choose between his duty and his loved ones....