A family drama about a woman who gets to live at her biological mother’s boarding house with her stepmother after her father dies and his business goes down. This struggling family overcomes life challenges together through love and compassion to reach a happy ending. (Source: MBC)...
Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from the various field. So far, many of idol stars and famous actors have appeared on the show. The show introduces viewers to exotic locations around the world where celebrities must work together in order to complete missions and survive. The cast celebrities travel to less habituated, natural places to survive on the...
Lee Young-Joon's family runs a large company and he works as the vice-president of the company. He is smart, rich and handsome, but he is arrogant. His secretary is Kim Mi-So. She has worked for him for years and she is perfect for him, but Kim Mi-So decides to quit her job....
A destitute young Yoon Mi-so was brought up in an orphanage, but eventually found good fortune in the form of Lee Min-jae, a rich heir. But what appeared to be a storybook ending with her prince turns into tragedy when Min-jae divorces her. Cast away like a used toy, Mi-so hits her all-time low. But after a life of abandonment and betrayal, she finds love again. ...
A modern day adaptation of Cinderella with a twist as our Cinderella, Goo Hyo Sun, is loved by everyone whereas her stepsister, Eun Jo, has a dark past and struggles with the fact that her mother starts to care more for Hyo Sun than her....
Family is like a haven to us. We love them even to pick the stars and the moon for them. In this drama, a family, whose members are all scattered away due to the conflicts, comes to realize that it’s each other that will best protect them from hardships. Seo Jin Woo is a surgeon who has a trauma from his younger days that causes surgery phobia, Han Chae Won works in food research and deeply in love of Jin Woo, and the ambitious Kyung Joo who abandoned Jin Woo to choose Min Hyuk. Together, they ...
Hong Hara is a bright, energetic girl with a positive outlook on life. She is a sweet girl who believes that every time she falls in love, it would last forever. Hong Hara is in a relationship with No Cheol, a man no one cannot seem to resist, though he is not mature all the time. He is also the ex-boyfriend of Do Ra Hee, a girl who has spent the last ten years in the fashion business. After dating No Cheol for six years, she is now sick of men and her number one goal is to gain more money. Some...
A family drama about a woman who is hurt by love, striving for small happiness and realizing the preciousness of family....
Choi Go is a young aspiring idol working a part-time job, who can be a bit of a coward. Mi Rae, recently hired by a company in the talent development field. The two struggle attempting to start different careers, meet by chance and start to share the same house, but because of their different schedules (one works during day, the other during night), they communicate leaving messages on a board....
The seventeenth season of the realistic drama about the thrills and sadness of working women in their 30s, centered around a single woman named Lee Young-ae....
In an alternate-reality South Korea, where a constitutional monarchical system prevails, Oh Sunny, a musical actress, becomes the empress of the country. Thus begins a dispute for power in the royal palace. Nothing is what it seems, and Oh Sunny is ready to fight until the end to uncover a mysterious homicide within the royal palace, fighting to protect those she loves the most and obtain happiness....
Bok Dan-Ji supports her family by driving a bus for a private institute. She meets a man from a wealthy background and he falls in love with her....
Story follows a group of physical therapists, nurses, radiological technologists and trainees. Ye Jae-Wook works as a physical therapist and also teaches in the same field. He begins to work as a team leader at a hospital. Woo Bo-Young has been working as a physical therapist for 3 years. She wanted to become a poet, but due to her poor family background she studied to become a physical therapist. Shin Min-Ho is a trainee, but he isn't interested in physical therapy. His grades weren't good e...
A fierce revenge melodrama about a girl who is pushed to the edge of a cliff while fighting the unjust and a man who breaks his promise with her and starts a family of his own, reuniting 7 years later....
The lives of Misong, an indebted prostitute living in a red-light district, and Geunhee, her parasitic pimp, may be the most vile and futile on earth. The harder they try to escape, the deeper they fall into the pit. Every day, survival becomes a war. Every day, Misong grows more and more exhausted, deprived of any hope. She also grows to resent Geunhee, a jobless burden. Geunhee is and always has been a patronizing deadbeat. One day, when Geunhee gathers the spirit to find a work, he encounters...
Actor Yoo Ji-Tae’s directorial debut feature film is one part melodrama, one part comingof-age story about Soo-young, a miserable thirtysomething man and Mai-Ratima, a 22-year-old Thai girl who accepts a mail order marriage in order to realize her Korean Dream. Into their relationship comes Young-jin, a hostess, slowly turning it into a love triangle....
In bleak Yeouido, crowded by the political world, press and stock companies, section chief Hwang Woo-Jin works in a stock trading firm. He is a hard-working salaryman, but is the first to be laid off. With an outstanding private loan to pay for, hospital bills for his father and consistent conflicts with his devoted wife, stress gradually suffocates Hwang Woo-Jin. Finally, a junior staff member and a boss, who he trusts, conspire to kick him out. After finding about their scheme, Hwang Woo-Jin ...