Centered around a personally troubled, officially discredited police chief and his inharmonious police team in Ankara Police Force. Even though the show usually focuses on murders and other crimes that happens on a weekly basis, the undertone of the story leads to an eventual duel between Behzat Ç. and the rotten department officials and bureaucrats....
Second series of the WOLF franchise starts 25 years after the first outing. As alliances wear thin, and notions of global order are shattered, the world of 2039 is on the brink of total war. Dangerous technologies that exceed the grasp of humanity’s control threaten a frayed social fabric. The action-packed story will examine security and war in this near future world....
In 13th-century Anatolia, as the Mongol threat looms and internal turmoil rages, Rumi, a wise spiritual figure, emerges to assuage people's fears. His timeless words unite reason and compassion, inspiring change....
The series is made into 71 episodes. It takes place in Istanbul, Turkey. The story centers around two rich brothers Selim Arhan the elder and Demir Arhan the younger one. They are still living at home with their parents Omar Arhan and Baheye Arhan. They live in a large house and have a cook by the name of Suzanne and her husband the driver whose name is Jamal Kozan. They have three children; Cheche the eldest is 28, Esma the second daughter who is the star of the series and finally a son who is ...
Tasked with risky missions across Turkey, members of a special-operations police unit confront danger and tragedy both on the field and at home....
A couple with no kids, four city girls and three country boys, all under the same roof: arguing, fighting and sometimes understanding they are not that much different....
Kaan and Mete, co-hosts of a mid 1990s radio show called Kaybedenler Kulübü (Losers' Club), struggle to deal with their daily lives after their show becomes an instant hit. Kaan meets Zeynep, the girl of his dreams, but their relationship comes under pressure as the show continues to stir controversy and attract fans from every segment of Istanbul society....
Throughout the movie, we will watch the life of a character whose face will never be seen. We will look at the world through his eyes and will witness the oppression he has experienced. He's only two years old. His excited parents forces him to communicate by saying 'talk'....
A neighborhood story with loves and fights....
After her father’s sudden death, Feride takes on the role of the father in the family. Her mother, Nurcan, desperately tries to replace her lost husband with Feride, while her brother, İlker, starts to drift away from the family. Feride decides to break free, changing everyone’s fate....
In a desolate war zone where screams of the innocent echo, on the very line between disaster and valor, 7 Maroon Berets will dance with death....
Kelogan fights the black prince to serve justice....
Hayri and Orhan are two music producers head over heels in debt. In an attempt to find the next big thing to turn the business around, they contact Ferhat, a gastarbeiter in Germany, and desperately bring him to Istanbul to sign him. As they are struggling to find the necessary funds to promote Ferhat's debut album, a mysterious rich woman named Firuze shows up and starts supporting them. The future now seems bright, but things are not always what they seem......