Tokiwa stars as Tamura Nozumi, with a cheerful outlook in life, always choosing to believe in everyone. Fukatsu stars as Sakada Chiharu, an amanuensis (daisho) but goes way beyond her jobscope in carrying out her work. The duo met in a clinic where Sakada helps Nozumi get back at her boss for sexual harassment. Sakada sees a flair in Nozumi to be in the same line of work, but Nozumi is content with her job as a waitress....
"Kekkon Shinai" follows the lives of single people in their 30's and 40's....
Natsumi loves lunchtime and food. Nothing excites her more than to walk down the street thinking about where she'll eat lunch. One day, a man Kennichiro interrupts Natsumi as she's about to eat her favorite rice omelet and drags her outside and begs her to come home with him so that he can introduce her to his family. He explains to her that his father is sick and after leaving on bad terms, the only way he'll be allowed back home is to return with a fianceé. Natsumi is left with quite the predi...
A story that begins when a husband, who lost his beloved wife ten years ago and lost the meaning of life, and his daughter are unexpectedly reunited with their wife/mother. As his wife is reborn as a ten-year-old elementary school student, the family is reborn....
Takeshi Hongo is a promising young man with a passion for motorcycle racing. However, his dreams are suddenly ruined when he gets kidnapped by Shocker, the evil secret organization planning to dominate the world. After being remodeled into a cyborg, Takeshi escapes and swears to protect the world from the inhuman monsters....
Kaoru's unexpected new roommate is Rilakkuma, a bear with a zipper on its back that spends each day just lazing around -- but is impossible to hate....
In a residential area, a man is murdered by another man, who broke into his apartment. Sergeant Kizaki, who is working near the area, hears a gunshot and runs towards the apartment. Detective Oomura already is at the scene of the crime....
Three intertwined horror stories are composed based on episodes from real accident properties. The cursed accident property probably still exists today...! Wouldn't you like to live there once...?...
A doll maker and his daughter Erika live in a remote mountain villa. When some thugs break in and murder Erika and disfigure the old doll maker, he sets about getting his revenge. He creates a life-size doll and has it possessed by Erika's spirit. The doll then tracks down Erika's killers one-by-one......
It is difficult to stand out at a Ginza club where every hostess wants to be number one. It is competitive. One of them is a virgin and also just eighteen years old. She wants to become the number one hostess to help pay the bills for her family. She advertises herself as 'virginity for sale.' It is an auction and the prize goes to the highest bidder. She doesn't have hostess skills however. The club's manager was the number one hostess in all of Ginza and helps the younger woman....
Based on the comic by Hiroyuki Yasuda...