Towards the Republic, also known as For the Sake of the Republic and Zou Xiang Gong He, is a Chinese historical television series first broadcast on CCTV in China from April to May 2003. The series is based on events that occurred in China between the late 19th century and early 20th century that led to the collapse of the Qing Dynasty and the founding of the Republic of China. Owing to its portrayal of historical issues deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government, the series has been...
Adventure Life 奇遇人生 is a star documentary reality show launched by Tencent Video. The program adopts the deep combination of “documentary + variety reality show”, through the past of the guests, to customize a unique life exploration tour for guests...
The story begins when a white-collar worker discovers old records in her childhood home which takes the story to the end of Qing and the beginning of the Republican era. The female protagonist is a woman with a unique ability and a special mission. She can help men and women through their emotional problems and leave them with no regrets regardless of the outcome. Yet her own experience with love is not without troubles of its own....
Can a man love a woman but still take down her father? Zhang Xiao Fan and his childhood friend Lin Jing Yu were the only survivors of the Grass Village massacre that wiped out both of their families. Taken in by the Qing Yun Sect, the boys were trained in the ways of the Immortal Sword. Xiao Fan falls in love with Bi Yao, the daughter of the Ghost King. But when the Ghost King tries to grow his power by overthrowing the Qing Yun Sect, Xiao Fan must choose between protecting his people and hurtin...
When a secret from the past rears its head, respected warrior Feng Zhiwei is forced to choose between revenge and her loyalty to ruling prince Ning Yi....
The story of two rival families in a small Chinese town of the late Qing Dynasty. Old and new, traditional and modern, tyranny and freedom, collide with each other in a life long competition....
The story is set in the Song dynasty and at the beginning of the Jurchen-ruled Jin dynasty's invasion of northern China. The first part revolves around the friendship of two men, Yang Tiexin and Guo Xiaotian, who became heroes in their own right as they fought the Jin invaders. The bond between the duo is so strong that they pledge to each other that their unborn children will become either be sworn siblings (if both are of the same sex) or a married couple (if they are of opposite sexes). The ...
The story of Mi Yue (Queen Dowager Xuan), the first stateswoman in the history of China. Mi Yue was a young princess who lived in the Kingdom of Chu during the Warring States period. She was sent to Qin as a concubine and part of her sister Mi Shu's dowry, separating her from first love Huang Xie. King Ying Si passes away while his sons are still battling for the throne, and ultimately, Ying Dang comes out as the successor. Mi Yue is banished to Yan with her son Ying Ji. However, Ying Dang sudde...
A series based on the events in the reign of the Jiajing Emperor of the Ming dynasty....
Car theft and kidnapping in Taiwan...
The triumphs and travails of six members of two single parent families in 19th century Yunnan....
In the late Ming Dynasty, three sworn brothers who serve as the imperial secret police are dispatched to hunt down Wei Zhongxian, a eunuch politician who had been forced to resign from his influential post and exiled from Beijing. The brothers return successfully from their quest, only to find that their task was but the beginning of a strange conspiracy....
The enthusiastic Reine is forced to take a job as a social worker at Kumla prison....
A mysterious warrior teams up with the daughter and son of a deposed Chinese Emperor to defeat their cruel brother, who seeks their deaths....
In the Qing Dynasty era, Yunan, trapped in a loveless, arranged marriage, finds herself drawn to Lucas, a man who challenges her ideas of the restrictive social norms of the day. In a wealthy and judgmental family, Yunan is forced to battle against the rules and standards of the day in search of true love....
A group of bright teenagers are recruited for a special college program for young geniuses only to find themselves socially awkward among their more normal peers....
The sequel to "American Dreams in China", three young men from small towns arrive in Beijing, completely new to the big city and ready to create something big. Their story happens against the backdrop of the development of China's Internet industry in the last 20 years, from the 1990s to present-day....
The murder of a to-be step-mom is being prosecuted with apparently clinching evidence. The father holds his accused daughter innocent. The faithful driver and his seemingly sly, amorous wife are involved. Further differing evidence spouts....
A group of performing art troupe members each face their own trials and tribulations in Chengdu; from escaping a family scandal to dealing with unrequited love, each experiences rejection that shapes their lives....
Temüjin and Börte are childhood lovers who are deeply in love; but news of Temüjin's father's death swiftly disrupted their relationship. Temüjin heads back to his hometown, but was faced with a sudden attack from his father's former comrades, causing his whole tribe to be destroyed....
Fan Ruyi, a detective, finds himself framed after getting a top secret mission. Along the way he meets a blind performer and a powerful warlord's daughter that further complicates his quest to clear his name....
Li Xuelian, a woman from the countryside is falsely accused by her husband of having an affair. To defend herself, Li moves from her small town to the big city until she reached the capital....