The drama series follows the story of a mother and her young daughter, Serra, as they try to get used to their new life in an ordinary neighbourhood after falling from grace....
Once upon a time in a beautiful yet mysterious country, there lived three sisters named Türkan, Dönüş, and Derya. As a close-knit family, they would dream of a promising future every night. Perhaps such an upbringing, that was similar to a fairy tale on the pine-scented streets of Ayvalık, had not prepared them for the grim reality of adulthood. Over time, the sisters discover that life and the choices that are accompanied by it are not as easy as they seem. Inconceivable secrets can be hidden e...
Adam and Havva have grown up worlds apart. He is the son of an Irish Catholic pastor, she the daughter of a Muslim family that adheres strongly to its traditions. And yet, though their lives seem to be poles apart, fate brings them together, both working as research assistants at a top university....
The series tells the life of Hizir Çakırbeyli. A mob boss who entered the realm of the mafia at a young age....
After the death of his wife and father, Kudret, who has always lived by the book, decides to go on a road trip to save a girl....
Two resentful, singer brothers Hakan and Ozan who can't get along well. Meet again in their father's funeral. Even though they want to get back to their daily lives after the funeral, their father's will won't allow it. They will take a journey with their dead father's old car in order to carry out his bequest which is to sing at a wedding in Urla....
A film by Elif Akarsu Polat and Cigdem Bozali....
A woman desperately seeking for a man to love. When he finally arrives, she overlooks him....
Before the wedding, the families of the man and the woman come together. At this meeting, where rituals specific to Turkey are discussed, while there is complete harmony between the two families, it is revealed that the groom committed a murder in the past years. This news sparks many discussions, from political debates to gender roles. The true faces of the characters, who are decorated and ready to play their roles, are revealed. Nothing will be the same again....