Sin Senos no hay Paraíso is a RTI Colombia–Telemundo remake and loose adaptation of the original Colombian series Sin Tetas No Hay Paraíso. The series is based on investigative journalist Gustavo Bolivar's debut novel and features an attractive young prostitute who desires to have massive breast implants in order to attract a rich cocaine smuggler. It is also based on a true story. The series premiered on June 16, 2008;...
"Mariana & Scarlett" centers on two sisters with dreams of fashion success. Their close bond is tested when they fall for the same man, Roberto. Set in the glamorous fashion world, the telenovela explores the complexity of sisterhood, love, and ambition, leading to a dramatic love triangle filled with betrayal....
The series follows the lives of three young people who end up joining their destinies thanks to a prophecy, the prophecy says: "The day that Milagros meets Milagros and Milagros, Milagros and the love of Milagros, They will die". On September 18, 1985 there is a birth of three girls who are baptized with the same name. Catemaco's jaguar manages to see the connection between the three girls. and to his own sorrow he anticipates a prophecy. What will make the three girls start their lives and both...
In a major slum called La Colina, young idealist Hache and his friends will confront the drug dealers who control the neighborhood. They will succeed with the help of music, an old Chinese ninja master and a mythical character who also lives in La Colina. Simultaneously, Juana will find shelter there as she runs away from her family's assassins....
Bárbara, an exotic dancer who travels to Colombia to begin a new life, meets the director of a famous univerisity, turning her life upside down....