Blake and Mortimer is an animated television series, based on the Blake and Mortimer comic book by Edgar Pierre Jacobs. The series was directed by Stéphane Bernasconi, and produced by Ellipse, and shown in 1997. The first nine stories were used in this series, as well as four brand new stories, devised by the creators: The Viking's Bequest, The Secret of Easter Island, The Alchemist's Will, and The Druid. New writers, mostly connected to the production company as writers, dialogists or transla...
With Once Upon a Forest, Luc Jacquet invites the spectator into a never-before-seen world of natural wonder and staggering beauty. “For the first time, we will be able to watch a rain forest growing before our eyes…Only cinema can offer this unique voyage into a completely untamed universe, a world of perfect balance in which each living thing – from the smallest to the largest – plays an essential role. The film will deliver a complete sensory immersion in the primaeval splendor of one of natur...
Documentary about the work of Claude Lorius, who began studying Antarctic ice in 1957, and, in 1965, was the first scientist to be concerned about global warming....
In his five-decade career, the 1950s and 1960s were Frank Sinatra's Golden Age. He was at the top of his game in music, film and television, becoming the most popular artist on the planet....