The series revolves around the lives of two families. The Moustoxidis family is from a poor neighbourhood and working class, however their young daughter, Betty, wins a reality singing show and ends up a superstar with the family becoming very rich. They move in next door to the Papapavlos family who are sophisticated Athenians....
Two 17 year old teens, whose only common link is their age, run away, one from a juvenile institution and the other from her home, and scour Northern Greece and Turkey, following the "arid" railroad near Maritsa's bank....
Contemporary Athens: A gang of teenage thieves and romantic anarchists test the limits of their youthful rebellion and play out their own tragic spring awakening against the backdrop of a dying city....
In this Greek romantic comedy, Athens bus lines manager Voulis (Giorgos Ninios) has given up trying to salvage his marriage. Instead, he devotes time and energy to feeling-up cute commuters, eventually developing a fascination with one passenger in particular....