Set in the Xinhai Revolution era, the story tells of Liu An Shun, a promising escort master in a reputable armed escort business owned by his teacher. He is poised to take over the business from his teacher and marry his daughter. However, his uncompromising follow-the-rules attitude leads him into a series of incidents that causes him to be disgraced. To redeem himself, he moves to Beijing to establish an escort business branch and to prove himself worthy. While there, he faces other escort ma...
The drama tells the story of a single mother and a man, who just woke up, with amnesia. Hawick plays a man, who had just awaken from a 6-years-long coma, has no memory of who he is but only with a memory of Yan Song being his wife. Yan Song, though, insist she has never seen that man in her life! Their encounter spins into a pure love that is filled with many questions, seeking answers that leads to the exposure of terrible secrets......
Legend has it that in the year Tang Xuanzong ascended to the throne, a scholar named Zhong Kui went to the capital, Changan, for the imperial examinations. He achieved the best results, but the corrupt examiner failed him merely for his disfigured appearance. Enraged by the unfair snub, Zhong hit his head against a pillar, killing himself right in the court. The Jade Emperor of Heaven was moved by Zhong's sacrifice, thus making him a god. From then on, Zhong Kui and his sworn brothers began figh...
A six-unit story about the dedication and sacrifice of young citizens in different industries....
As the flashy life of the influencer 33 gets crazier, the canker sore inside her lower lip keeps growing larger......
A lawyer falls in love with a gang boss, gets knocked up and drags him to the altar. One evening, cradling the crying infant, he metamorphoses into a doting daddy, and henceforth devotes his life to keeping her from finding out his true identity. His light and joy grows into a teenager, and alas, falls for the son of a cop, while rival gangs move in on his turf....
Fu Hong female in the "Red Detachment of Women" ballet plays a small female soldier, due to the qualifications are not yet shallow, the performance is always in a corner of the stage as an accompaniment, it is difficult to have the opportunity to show themselves. In an accident, she fell off the stage and fell into a coma. When she woke up, she found that the situation had become very bad ....
The United Nations Narcotics Control Organization and the Chinese and Burmese police jointly combat a drug trafficking organization headed by the Saka Group, which is attempting to sell drugs to the world through China....