Hero Corp is a French comedic science fiction TV show that has aired 92 episodes over 5 seasons, beginning in October 2008 on the cable channel Comédie!. In July 2009 it began broadcasting on France 4. The show was created by and stars Simon Astier, previously seen in the Kaamelott TV show....
In this off beat account of King Arthur's quest for the Grail, virtually every journey, battle or adventure is stopped dead in its tracks by the knights of the round table's most worldly traits : cowardice, greed, idiocy or misplaced chivalry. As a consequence, instead of epic adventures we are treated with the characters' pragmatic and anachronistic take on each and every event in the Grail legend, true to the purest sitcom tradition....
Every Tuesday, Claudine goes to a mountain hotel to meet men passing through. When one of them decides to extend his stay for her, Claudine’s daily life is disrupted and she finds herself dreaming of another life....
Following the end of the acclaimed tv series, King Arthur will oppose Lancelot's army to get the throne back after his flee to Rome....