This documentary drama series tells the story of the Thirty Years War from the perspective of the people who experienced it: like the soldier Peter Hagendorf, the "Winter Queen" Elisabeth Stuart, the famous artist Peter Paul Rubens and the "Grey Eminence" Father Joseph. This visual memory of the 17th century forms the 'archive footage' in the series. Combined with vivid drama and contributions from international experts, the series builds a bridge between "now" and "then" enabling viewers to exp...
Almost half a century ago, a young woman dared to speak out publicly with pointed theses on gender roles or abortion laws. The reactions were violent....
Julien, a 31 year old man who is everything else but grown-up. Without a job and without money has he just been more or less forced to move back home to his mom in his home town. Back there he happens to meet his first young love, Marie who works as a teacher at their old college. She reveals a secret, that well, sets a new point in his life. We get to follow this kindhearted irresponsible man that struggles through his daily life which never seems to go his way....
The series follows the adventures of lighthearted Jean-Paul Moulin, a police Commissaire, and his team as they solve crimes....
For having wanted to defend a young girl accused of theft, a comedian finds himself in prison. Embarked in spite of himself in an escape attempt, he is condemned by a particularly incompetent court which follows without thinking the pleadings of an overzealous public prosecutor! Once incarcerated, the poor comedian has to deal with the harassment of one of the guards, a kind of dangerous sociopath frustrated with life....
Paris 2020. While superheroes have assimilated into the Parisian society, they discover a new drug that gives themselves personal superpowers to mere mortals. Lieutenants Moreau and Schaltzmann are investigating the case with the support of two ex-superheroes, Monte Carlo and Callista. They'll do whatever it takes to dismantle the traffic. But Moreau's past resurfaces, and the investigation becomes more complicated....
Helene loves to play poker for big money in men's company. But one day she looses big time against bar manager Antonio. He grants her 24 hours to come up with the 50,000 Francs. She asks all of her friends, but nobody will help her. When she finally steals the money from her brother Stephane, she gets them into serious trouble -- she didn't know where he got it....
A man, Milan steps off a train, into a small French village. As he waits for the day when he will rob the town bank, he runs into an old retired poetry teacher named M. Manesquier. The two men strike up a strange friendship and explore the road not taken, each wanting to live the other's life....
Adrien, an attractive dancer whose career was shattered by a motorcycle accident, squanders his youth in idleness. His life changes when he meets Margot, who lives off scams and amorous manipulations....
Compulsive spenders Albert and Bruno are in debt up to their necks. While seeking help from community workers to get their lives back on track, they run into a group of young green activists. Lured by the free beer and snacks rather than by the ideals of eco-activists, Albert and Bruno find themselves joining the movement without much conviction....
Longtime friends Guarrigue and Sénanques own a successful law practice in Paris. The dreaded businessman Pervillard is one of their clients. One night, Sénanques, who is in an unhappy relationship, meets Sacha. For her sake, he causes a political scandal involving Pervillard and puts himself in danger....
In Hanoi, a French couple who had come to adopt a baby met Maï, an old woman who had a love affair with a French officer in 1945. She tells how, sent by de Gaulle to restore order, Leclerc negotiates with Ho Chi Minh, against the advice of d'Argenlieu, the high commissioner....
"Marius" takes place in Marseilles' Old Port, at the La Marine Bar, owned by César and his son Marius. Marius' biggest dream is to embark on one of the boats passing by his dad's bar and to set off to a faraway land. Fanny, a young and pretty seafood peddler, has secretly been in love with Marius since her childhood; Marius, never admitting it, has always loved Fanny. One day, a sailor drops by La Marine and offers him a job on an exploratory ship. Trying to hold him off and to make him jealous,...
Six people over seventy are at a turning point in their lives. Without knowing each other, they go on a journey together....
On the night of August 24, 1944, the fate of Paris rests with General von Choltitz, who plans to destroy the city on Hitler's orders. As the general prepares to detonate explosives throughout the capital, Swedish consul Raoul Nordling uses diplomacy in a desperate bid to convince him to defy the orders and save Paris....
October 1941. Eighteen months into France’s occupation by German troops, young Communist members of the Resistance shoot dead an officer of the German Army. In retaliation, Hitler demands the deaths of 150 Frenchmen, as 'retribution'. The targets are to be mostly young men believed to share the assassins’ political convictions. Most of these men are taken from an internment camp for opponents of the occupation; a 35-year-old French rural administrator is ordered to select the victims. Although t...
France, 17th century, during the reign of Louis XIII. When a dear friend, the Duke of Nevers, is treacherously assassinated by a powerful relative, a skilled swordsman, the noble Henri de Lagardère, seeks his rightful vengeance as he tries to protect the innocent life of the duke's last heir....
Victor Meynard, a hit man who still lives with his mother, is becoming more reluctant to pull the trigger during assignments. He meets a young man, Antoine, whom he takes under his wing after being unable to kill him. Their lives change when he meets Renée, an art forger who has earned the wrath of powerful mob leaders. Unwilling to assassinate the new object of his affections, Victor must run and hide with two new friends in tow....
Paris, Kingdom of France, August 18, 1572. To avoid the outbreak of a religious war, the Catholic princess Marguerite de Valois, sister of the feeble King Charles IX, marries the Huguenot King Henry III of Navarre....