Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from the various field. So far, many of idol stars and famous actors have appeared on the show. The show introduces viewers to exotic locations around the world where celebrities must work together in order to complete missions and survive. The cast celebrities travel to less habituated, natural places to survive on the...
A reality and competition show where members are joined by celebs to complete a weekly mission to win the race with Seoul as the beautiful backdrop....
Hong Ye-sul, a competent account executive at an advertising company, has one secret— she can see the future when her lips come into contact with another person. When Ye-sul accidentally kisses her stern team chief Cha Min-hu, she sees the impossible: herself in bed with him some time in the future. To add to her confusion and frustration, her ex-boyfriend Lee Pil-yo is attempting to win back her heart, shaking her life up even more....
Jeon Woo Chi is student of Hong Gil Dong, fights against Ma Sook and Kang Rim to protect Hong Gil Dong′s country Yuldo. Jeon Woo Chi acts like a lazy nobody in everyday life, but whenever he has to fight he transforms into the magician Jeon Woo Chi. He even puts his life on the line when Hong Moo Yeon, granddaughter of Hong Gil Dong and his fiance, falls under a spell and starts to attack him. Jeon Woo Chi who dreams of revenge after having lost his trusted best friend and lover is not intereste...
Raised in America by his mentally handicapped mother Anna, Dong Hae dreams of traveling to Korea to propose to the woman he loves.. After qualifying for a speed skating competition, he smuggles his mother to Korea with him, but his undying devotion to her soon begins causing him problems. Finally reconnecting with his lost love Saewa, Dong Hae finds his affections divided when things don’t work out as he planned in this award-winning daily drama....
In 1994, college students were crazy about college basketball, and Korea's hip-hop artists; with students from various countryside areas attending college in Seoul, they mingle together for true friendship, love and lots of fun at a boarding house....
As a teen, Shi Won was obsessed with a boy band. Now 33 years old, Shi Won and her friends are reviving their memories as their school reunion nears....
Kim Seok Joo (Kim Myung Min) is a cold, calculating lawyer who is vying to become successful at all costs. After a fateful accident causes him to lose his memory, Kim Seok Joo must rediscover who he is as a person and choose whether he will fight for justice or fall back into his old ways. Before the accident, he was engaged to the only grandchild of a wealthy family, Yoo Jung Sun (Chae Jung Ahn), but with no memory of her, he begins to fall for Lee Ji Yoon (Park Min Young), an idealistic intern...
Family is like a haven to us. We love them even to pick the stars and the moon for them. In this drama, a family, whose members are all scattered away due to the conflicts, comes to realize that it’s each other that will best protect them from hardships. Seo Jin Woo is a surgeon who has a trauma from his younger days that causes surgery phobia, Han Chae Won works in food research and deeply in love of Jin Woo, and the ambitious Kyung Joo who abandoned Jin Woo to choose Min Hyuk. Together, they ...
Salamander Guru and The Shadows is a 2012 South Korean sitcom starring Choi Minho, Oh Dal-soo, Im Won-hee, Lee Byung-joon and Ryu Hyun-kyung. It aired on SBS from January 27 to March 30, 2012 on Fridays at 23:00 for 10 episodes. It is SBS's first sitcom in 5 years....
Hwang Eun Byul, a ghostwriter for a publishing company, and Hwang Geum Byul, a leader for the PR department at a fashion company, are fraternal twin sisters, but their mother has always favored Geum Byul. The sisters end up marrying into rivaling families, and the story follows them as they try to work through their conflicts with communication and a positive attitude....
Hoon-Nam knows about love theoretically, but he rejects falling in love. Jung-Eum wants to fall in love, but, due to her difficult situation, she gives up on finding love. Hoon-Nam and Jung-Eum meet and develop a relationship romantically....
The strange but beautiful love story of a genius doctor who suffers from "Cinderella Memory Disorder" in which the memories of the previous day disappear at twelve o'clock and a washed-up actress....
The two best friends are polar opposites. Cin De Ri works for a cosmetics company but prefers not to wear makeup due to a traumatic incident in college. Her best friend is Gae Mo Ran, the impeccable and gorgeous beauty host. When Cin De Ri stands in for Mo Ran on a blind date with the handsome Lee Jun Yeol, she becomes smitten with him. But Mo Ran then decides she wants Jun Yeol for herself and tries to seduce him. Angry, Cin De Ri decides her Plain Jane days are over and uses a mysterious compa...
Yoo Jae-suk reunites the producing team of Infinite Challenge and presents you How Do You Play? The Indefinitely expanding YOONIVERSE, based on Yoo's blood, sweat, and tears, will entertain viewers at home. Let's follow Yoo and his friends' new projects every week....
AFTERSCHOOL First Japan Tour 2012 -PLAYGIRLZ- is the first live DVD of the South Korean girl group After School. It is scheduled to be released on March 27, 2013 in 2 formats: DVD and Blu-ray. The DVD will feature performances during the last day of their Japanese tour in Namba Hatch on April 30, 2012. Footage featuring After School Red and Kahi's solo performances from the encore concert on June 17, 2012 will also be included as a special bonus....
Story contains the confessions of couples who are not able to express their feelings due to their closeness....
For the first time in Korean history, the mayor of Seoul attempts a third term in office, with his entire campaign team ready to soil their hands....
A young Korean man surpasses his difficult childhood by becoming a powerful prosecutor, but soon learns that real power comes at a price....
Junko, a Japanese exchange student, goes to Korea where she unexpectedly finds herself forced to share a room with Jong-man, a disagreeable young man, who has been forced to tutor her....
Whenever elementary school teacher Kang Joon-soo falls in love, he always gives too much of himself to the relationship. Yet despite that, he ends up being the one getting dumped by his girlfriends. Joon-soo has been friends for 18 years with Kim Hyun-woo, a weather forecaster whose beauty belies her witty tongue and aggressive manner....
A comical horror movie portraying a late-year job seeker, Tae Min, who is able to see ghosts through his specs as he gets a job in a studio where mysterious incidents happen every night....