Pacific Blue is an American crime drama series about a team of police officers with the Santa Monica Police Department who patrolled its beaches on bicycles. The show ran for five seasons on the USA Network, from March 2, 1996 to April 9, 2000, with a total of one hundred and one episodes. Often compared as "Baywatch on bikes," the series enjoyed a popular run among the Network's viewers, and was popular in France, Israel, Sweden, Bulgaria, Norway, Spain, Russia, Austria, Germany, Italy, South A...
Ally McBeal is a young lawyer working at the Boston law firm Cage and Fish. Ally's lives and loves are eccentric, humorous, dramatic with an incredibly overactive imagination that's working overtime!...
CSI: Miami follows Crime Scene Investigators working for the Miami-Dade Police Department as they use physical evidence, similar to their Las Vegas counterparts, to solve grisly murders. The series mixes deduction, gritty subject matter, and character-driven drama in the same vein as the original series in the CSI franchise, except that the Miami CSIs are cops first, scientists second....
Three sisters (Prue, Piper and Phoebe) reunite and unlock their powers to become the Charmed Ones, the most powerful good witches of all time, whose prophesied destiny is to protect innocent lives from evil beings such as demons and warlocks. Each sister possesses unique magical powers that grow and evolve, while they attempt to maintain normal lives in modern day San Francisco. ...
Justice Department undercover agent Michael Cates’s family was killed after he testified against crime boss Jacob Calder. Now Cates is working out of an 18 Wheeler under another undercover identity, that of Chance Bowman. As Cates wanders America listening to country music and helping people he is also dodging hit-men and still trying to take down Calder....
A much more lavish version of the popular Superman television series which had first aired forty years earlier, Lois & Clark focused more on the Man of Steel's early adult years in Metropolis. With the unknowing help of Lois Lane, Clark Kent created Superman there in Metropolis after finding work at the world-famous Daily Planet newspaper, where he meets fellow reporter Lois Lane....
A half-Native American cop falls in love with the ghost of a young woman. He struggles to help her come to terms with her death while also seeking to bring to justice the man responsible for her murder....
A ruthless real estate developer is possessed by the violent spirits of the Native American tribesmen he massacred, which force him to go on an indiscriminate killing spree against his will....
When the girlfriend of a cult leader tries to leave the flock, she finds escape to be more difficult than she imagined....
Terrorists capture a Soviet missile submarine and they are intent on using it to unleash a barrage of missiles onto the US West Coast. American special services are called up to intercept and stop the terrorists before they can complete their mission. An unlikely American hero emerges to handle the task and save the day....
A young, attractive and successful publisher has a hidden secret. She is adopted and originally from Pinecrest. When she gets the job to visit an author in the small town of Pinecrest she sees an opportunity to try and find her biological parents. The author is actually writing a story about some young love in the town and she has a feeling that she is the offspring of that love but there are some stories hidden in the small town....
After settling in the tiny Australian town of Walkabout Creek with his significant other and his young son, Mick "Crocodile" Dundee is thrown for a loop when a prestigious Los Angeles newspaper offers his honey a job. The family migrates back to the United States, and Croc and son soon find themselves learning some lessons about American life -- many of them inadvertent...