Miracles follows Paul Callan, an investigator of modern miracles for the Catholic Church who questions his faith after repeatedly finding mundane explanations for various supposed phenomena. After he witnesses a true, supernatural miracle that saves his life, only for his findings to be dismissed on a lack of evidence, Paul leaves behind the Church and is approached by Alva Keel to join his organization Sodalitas Quaerito, investigating and cataloguing "unexplainable" phenomena. Along with forme...
In the 1960's at Arthur Kingston's old butcher house blood and guts were routine. That all changed one night when the blood spilled was human. At the hand of a murderous, rampaging butcher, two workers and the owner's son were killed. The factory was shut down. Decades pass. The massacre became a legend, but the abandoned butcher house still held the evil in its halls. As six teenagers explore the old butcher house, they unleash the horror that lies within....
When a one-night stand turns Ajay into a vampire, he decides misery really does love company and tries to suck his friends Teague and Floor into a life of bloodlust....
Fueled by revenge, Michael sets up a meeting with Clef Robie, the man who murdered his wife and child 6 years ago. His plans of killing him come to a standstill when two gunmen rob the diner. Michael takes matters into his own hands when he shoots them and holds the entire diner hostage until he kills his target....
An action-packed love story on the Mexican border featuring oppression, revenge, reincarnation and rebirth....
An alien creature escapes from a research lab at the infamous "Area 51" determined to hunt down its former tormentors....
A surreal fantasy on the themes of love and friendship, set to the music and songs of the Sean Lennon album "Friendly Fire"....