Spoed is a Belgian action drama TV series produced in the Dutch language in Belgium since 2000. The series is also shown on both Flemish/Belgian TV and Dutch TV. The series is directed by Johan Thiels and Guy Thys. The series has produced 217 episodes to date. It may be compared to the American TV programs ER or Chicago Hope....
Spoed is a Belgian action drama TV series produced in the Dutch language in Belgium since 2000. The series is also shown on both Flemish/Belgian TV and Dutch TV. The series is directed by Johan Thiels and Guy Thys. The series has produced 217 episodes to date. It may be compared to the American TV programs ER or Chicago Hope....
Spoed is a Belgian action drama TV series produced in the Dutch language in Belgium since 2000. The series is also shown on both Flemish/Belgian TV and Dutch TV. The series is directed by Johan Thiels and Guy Thys. The series has produced 217 episodes to date. It may be compared to the American TV programs ER or Chicago Hope....
Den Bompa Jos Vleugels is the widower of the bomma Anna and lives with his grandson Leo. He has 2 sons, the eldest is Paul Vleugels, who married aunt Josée Clinckhamers at the beginning of the series. Later in the series, however, they divorce and Paul leaves on a world tour and continues to live in Australia....
Scatterbrained but imaginative Robbie Henegouwen de Boer has only worked for a tour operator for two months, when a colleague is suddenly fired and he is tasked with showing an international coach party around. The newly-minted tour guide is faced with a plethora of problems......