Charlie Golf One (TAAGAD in Hebrew) is a fast-paced action comedy drama series that follows the extraordinary and unusual events in the lives of medical soldiers serving in a remote military base of an elite infantry unit. The series will have you laughing one moment and put you at the edge of your seat in the next....
When her daughter is abducted, a Norwegian diplomat travels to the Middle East, banking on old friends — and a deep secret — to help free her....
Ne'elamim (The Missing) is a compelling young adult skewed thriller which follows Emma and Alon, a brother and sister who move to a small town and quickly find out that nothing is quite as it seems in their new neighborhood, which is awash with murky happenings. The ground water supply has been geologically poisoned, and three teenagers from their high school died under mysterious circumstances a few months earlier - but when an unexplainable photograph of them surfaces, the siblings begin to do...
An Israeli sitcom for children and teenagers about two divorced parents, each with children from previous marriage, that start living together. Both adults and their children are trying to adjust to new situation and get to know one another, while getting into various comedic situations and funny events....
Brilliant young actress Charlie strikes up an acquaintance with an intriguing stranger while on holiday in Greece, but it rapidly becomes apparent that his intentions are far from romantic....
Sixteen-year-old Maya loves sailing, which she was taught to do by her captain father. She misses her father very much, and runs away on a sailboat in order to reach Cyprus and meet him. But in Cyprus, she misses the cargo ship where her father is supposedly working....
After being tried for his crimes and released on parole, the young Captain Ran Nesher receives a new mission: to command a squadron of Mirage aircraft that not long ago lost its revered commander in battle. The squadron's deputy commander, Captain Eitan Rom is threatened by the appearance of his new commander, who seems to him to be irresponsible and inexperienced to the point of endangering the pilots. The power struggle between them causes tensions and dysfunction of the squadron. When the two...
After a rare diagnosis, Lily's attempts to flee from war torn Israel are thwarted when the airport shuts down and her zany cousin forces her to party....