Head of the Class is an American sitcom that ran from 1986 to 1991 on the ABC television network. The series follows a group of gifted students in the Individualized Honors Program at the fictional Monroe High School in Manhattan, and their history teacher Charlie Moore. The program was ostensibly a vehicle for Hesseman, best known for his role as radio DJ Dr. Johnny Fever in the sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati. Hesseman left Head of the Class in 1990 and was replaced by Billy Connolly as teacher Bil...
Key West was a short-lived 1993 hour long comedy-drama television series set in Key West, Florida. Thirteen episodes aired on Fox between January and June 1993. It was created by David Beaird and Allan Marcil. The show was produced by Viacom Productions. The main character is Seamus O'Neill, played by Fisher Stevens, a factory worker from New Jersey who dreams of being a writer. When he wins the lottery, he uses his newfound wealth to move to Key West to pursue his writing career, Where his ido...
Architect Jonathan moves into an LA courtyard apartment complex; then one of his neighbors is murdered ... by mistake ... Jonathan was the intended victim!...
Andy Colby is doomed to another typical day of babysitting. But this day is anything but typical when Andy's little sister is pulled through the TV and Andy is sent on an incredibly awesome adventure to save her!...