Siberia is an American mockumentary series about a reality television show where 16 contestants must survive in the Siberian territory of Tunguska. The show was filmed in Birds Hill Provincial Park just north of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It premiered on NBC on July 1, 2013. The first season was met with generally favorable reviews from critics and viewers, with average viewership per episode coming in around 2.03 million viewers. Metacritic scored the show with a 63 out of 100. The series con...
Watch Over Me is an American Television series that debuted on December 6, 2006 on the television network MyNetworkTV. Twentieth Television produced 66 episodes to air weekdays. The limited-run serial is an adaptation of Argentine series Resistiré. Torres, a former Miss Universe, played a woman torn between her bioterrorist fiance and her bodyguard, played by Todd Cahoon. Catherine Oxenberg and Casper Van Dien also appeared as villains. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has not announced plan...
Former New York mob boss Tony Pantera has just been relocated to Los Angeles in the witness protection program. Not a fan of Christmas, Tony must rediscover the true meaning of Christmas, while trying to stay alive....
A young Native warrior seeks revenge on the cowboys who killed his buffalo herd....
Jodi struggles with her inner demons and a destructive obsession toward her boyfriend Travis which leads to a horrific conclusion. Based on a true crime story....
Emmy, caught up in a normal life, transforms herself when she uncovers a surreal secret that unlocks the key to her passion....
A bandit in the old west is set up by his friend and thrown into prison. Five years later he escapes and returns to town set on revenge....
With the odds already not in her favor, Araya tells her side of the story while being interrogated for possibly killing the man who was responsible for her father's death....
1874, East Texas. Two friends pursue the Posse, a group of sadistic human traffickers who have kidnapped five women. Along with an Indian scout, they race against time to find and free the women before the traffickers sell them to sex-slave buyers at the Mexican border....
While battling her own demons, Detective Olson is determined to catch a sadistic killer. The only clues left behind are the victim's bloody remains and the sole survivor, a 17 year old boy. While they try to determine why the boy's family was targeted, the boy begins to question human nature, and the evil that could be lurking deep inside us all....
Convicted murderer Mark Trex escapes from an asylum and heads to New York City believing that his favorite band's occult hit song, which told of Satan and death, is true....
When a young teen takes his own life after years of relentless bullying, his family chooses to pursue their own justice after authorities and the school don't take action. While seeking revenge they must decide the value of a life and determine who the true victims are....
A reporter risks his life to get to the bottom of a stack of lies, corruption and murder surrounding the opening of a local power plant....