The amusing everyday life of a small, stereotypical Hungarian village focusing on a corrupt mayor, a bodybuilder priest, a hot bartender girl, a dumb police officer, and a womanizing football coach....
On March 15, 1848, a young firebrand poet, Sándor Petöfi ignites the Hungarian Revolution with his passionate 'National Song', prompting the Austrians to dispatch a ruthless secret agent to assassinate him and suppress the uprising....
March 15, 1848; the revolution breaks out in the town of Pest. Yet at café Pilvax, in among he revolutionary youth, there is the informer of the imperial court as well. Hearing the news of the attack led by Jellasics, the inhabitants of the villages pour into the national army, and Hajdú Gyurka also escapes from his landlord. Petőfi is there at the camp of the revolutionaries, raising them to enthusiasm with his poetry....
Juli, who works in a brick factory, begins a romantic relationship with her boss, to whom she hides the fact that she has a son....
Smiling Jim was going back to the bar where they spent a lovely evening beating two dozen men unconscious. He forgot his knife in a sailor. Said sailor was alive and kicking and offered Jimmy a job aboard a luxury cruiser. There the young master criminal has to deal with murder mystery, mass hysteria, and sleeping on the job. Later - as it so often happens to heroes of epic novels - he meets the prince of an island nation who wishes to switch roles with him for a day. From there one story-line f...