Taking place in the year 1937 on the eve of World War II, the story involves a mysterious spy training organization known as the "D Agency." The organization is established by Lieutenant Colonel Yuuki from the Imperial Japanese Army. His ideals lead him to recruit people beyond military academy graduates and personnel, while training them to become skilled agents in arts of manipulation. These agents would become a specialized team to conduct operations. One such antihero agent, under the name J...
Inspired by a small-statured pro volleyball player, Shouyou Hinata creates a volleyball team in his last year of middle school. Unfortunately the team is matched up against the "King of the Court" Tobio Kageyama's team in their first tournament and inevitably lose. After the crushing defeat, Hinata vows to surpass Kageyama. After entering high school, Hinata joins the volleyball team only to find that Tobio has also joined....
Tsuyoshi Mukohda, an ordinary salaryman, is suddenly transported to another world one day. The unique skill he gains upon arrival in this world is the seemingly useless "Online Grocery." Mukohda is discouraged at first, but the modern foods he's able to bring to his new world using this skill prove to have some unbelievable effects!...
Living inside a fairy tale may sound like a dream, but for this heroine, it’s more of a nightmare. After her mysterious death, Rinko is reborn as Raeliana—a loved and wealthy character in a novel. But she knows the ending: her murder at the hands of her fiancé. So, she hatches a plan to stay alive, one that involves a devilish duke and a phony engagement. Can she rewrite her story?...
Ichigo Hoshimiya is a regular, ordinary middle school girl. But when her best friend Aoi invites her to join the idol training academy, Starlight Academy, her whole world is turned upside down. As she encounters all kinds of rivals and learns what it takes to be an idol, she uses her Aikatsu Cards to challenge countless auditions....
In an age when large-scale natural disasters frequently happen all over the world, when cyborgs and autonomous robots are beginning to appear on the market in technologically advanced nations, and major world powers compete for technology and resources, the divide between rich and poor grows and the future for the poor looks bleak. In this transitional stage, everyone wanders around in a self-indulgent daze and the way out isn't clear... This is the story of how two cybernetically enhanced girls...
Shigeo Kageyama, a.k.a. "Mob," is a boy who has trouble expressing himself, but who happens to be a powerful esper. Mob is determined to live a normal life and keeps his ESP suppressed, but when his emotions surge to a level of 100%, something terrible happens to him! As he's surrounded by false espers, evil spirits, and mysterious organizations, what will Mob think? What choices will he make?...
Bayron City -- a Mega-Float type city in the Pacific Ocean, which doesn't belong to any particular nation. As the mine for Orgonium, a new energy resource, this city is the most noticed in the world right now, and here special cases caused by demons called "D Hazards" has been occurring frequently. Only a handful of people know about the existence of D Hazards. They are handled by PMCs (Private Military Companies). Shu is a young man living in Bayron City who runs such a company, but his company...
Hailing from a prestigious noble house, Dali Delico is an elite member of the Blood Pact Council, the highest governing body of the Vamps. Yet, Dali flatly refuses a mission the Vamps assign him. As Dali’s motives and possible connection to mysterious murders begin to mount, council members Gerhard, Dino, and Henrique visit him in hopes he’ll reconsider, but find him soothing an infant child!...
In an age when large-scale natural disasters frequently happen all over the world, when cyborgs and autonomous robots are beginning to appear on the market in technologically advanced nations, and major world powers compete for technology and resources, the divide between rich and poor grows and the future for the poor looks bleak. In this transitional stage, everyone wanders around in a self-indulgent daze and the way out isn't clear... This is the story of how two cybernetically enhanced girls...
Hina Satou is a 13-year-old who loves figure skating and lives in a port town in Miyagi Prefecture. After losing her mother in the 2011 earthquake, she and her father are currently living in temporary housing. With sad memories of the earthquake and memories of a gentle mother, the cheerful Hina continues to move toward her dreams....
The film adapts and expands the Planetarian visual novel by Key. The story is set in a dystopian future where biological and nuclear warfare has left a once prosperous civilization in complete ruin. The film tells the story of an old man travelling around with a mobile planetarium projector to show people the stars....
Sequel of Aikatsu! Music Award: ... SHOW! Screened alongside Aikatsu Stars! The Movie....
Living by the sea, protecting the sea, and journeying across the sea…They’re the BLUE MERMAIDS! Because of a shift in tectonic plates around 100 years ago, Japan lost much of its area to submergence. To preserve Japan’s territories, Coastal Cities sprung up, one after the other. Eventually, they became Marine Cities, and along with the expansion of sea-lanes to connect them, the need arose for a sizable staff to protect the seas. At the same time, maritime jobs were becoming more popular among w...