Takako Meguro, a typical office worker known to her friends as Medaka, starts a new career as a night school teacher when her company restructures. At first, she's not so crazy about her new job and gets by with a minimum of effort. But as she continues, she finds out it's quite a challenge after all. Her students range from a high school dropout to a salaried worker, and also include a self-employed fellow, and a cabaret hostess, in short, a motley crew! What's more, half of them are older than...
Misaki decides to join the Brass Band Club having heard of its prestigious past from her father, a former member. However, Misaki finds that much has changed and the club is now full of dull and inactive students. Misaki determines to do her best to return the club to its glory days, but she must help many of the students overcome their personal problems....
Yumi, a writer of a science magazine, witnesses a mysterious death of a high school girl who received a "one missed call" from her own cell phone, two weeks in the future. The disturbing message on the cell phone turns out to be the screams of the victim....
After the events of the series, Shibata has lost her memories and is reassigned. Meanwhile, a strange case regarding a cursed tree that kills whoever's name is written on its trunk surfaces among mysterious deaths. Following different leads, Shibata and the Unsolved Cases unit will meet again as they investigate. Asakura, it seems, is also plotting behind the scenes......
Youko and Harumi have been friends since youth as their life circumstances were similar. Youko ends up marrying a politician and publishes a successful picture book basen on Harumi's life, when her son suddenly gets abducted....
Sae is quite nasty towards her mother. Life is not easy during puberty. But what if something bad suddenly happened?...