Justin Hires (born June 24, 1985) is an American actor.
The series follows Detective Carter, a radical LAPD detective, and Detective Lee, a by-the-book detective from Hong Kong, as they are forced into forming an unlikely partnership...
TripTank is Comedy Central’s newest animated experience, executive produced by ShadowMachine’s Alex Bulkley and Corey Campodonico. The weekly, eight-episode half-hour series, showcases a wide range of fast-paced, hard-hitting animated comedy shorts presented in an anthology style, weaving together stand-alone and recurring narrative pieces....
TripTank is Comedy Central’s newest animated experience, executive produced by ShadowMachine’s Alex Bulkley and Corey Campodonico. The weekly, eight-episode half-hour series, showcases a wide range of fast-paced, hard-hitting animated comedy shorts presented in an anthology style, weaving together stand-alone and recurring narrative pieces....
TripTank is Comedy Central’s newest animated experience, executive produced by ShadowMachine’s Alex Bulkley and Corey Campodonico. The weekly, eight-episode half-hour series, showcases a wide range of fast-paced, hard-hitting animated comedy shorts presented in an anthology style, weaving together stand-alone and recurring narrative pieces....
TripTank is Comedy Central’s newest animated experience, executive produced by ShadowMachine’s Alex Bulkley and Corey Campodonico. The weekly, eight-episode half-hour series, showcases a wide range of fast-paced, hard-hitting animated comedy shorts presented in an anthology style, weaving together stand-alone and recurring narrative pieces....
TripTank is Comedy Central’s newest animated experience, executive produced by ShadowMachine’s Alex Bulkley and Corey Campodonico. The weekly, eight-episode half-hour series, showcases a wide range of fast-paced, hard-hitting animated comedy shorts presented in an anthology style, weaving together stand-alone and recurring narrative pieces....
20-something Angus MacGyver creates a clandestine organization where he uses his knack for solving problems in unconventional ways to help prevent disasters from happening....
Key & Peele is an American sketch comedy television show. It stars Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, both former cast members of MADtv. Each episode of the show consists of several pre-taped sketches starring the two actors, introduced by Key and Peele in front of a live studio audience....
Key & Peele is an American sketch comedy television show. It stars Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, both former cast members of MADtv. Each episode of the show consists of several pre-taped sketches starring the two actors, introduced by Key and Peele in front of a live studio audience....
Key & Peele is an American sketch comedy television show. It stars Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, both former cast members of MADtv. Each episode of the show consists of several pre-taped sketches starring the two actors, introduced by Key and Peele in front of a live studio audience....
Key & Peele is an American sketch comedy television show. It stars Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, both former cast members of MADtv. Each episode of the show consists of several pre-taped sketches starring the two actors, introduced by Key and Peele in front of a live studio audience....
When cops Schmidt and Jenko join the secret Jump Street unit, they use their youthful appearances to go under cover as high-school students. They trade in their guns and badges for backpacks, and set out to shut down a dangerous drug ring. But, as time goes on, Schmidt and Jenko discover that high school is nothing like it was just a few years earlier -- and, what's more, they must again confront the teenage terror and anxiety they thought they had left behind....
After the death of his younger brother, a troubled 19-year-old street dancer from Los Angeles is able to bypass juvenile hall by enrolling in the historically black, Truth University in Atlanta, Georgia. But his efforts to get an education and woo the girl he likes are sidelined when he is courted by the top two campus fraternities, both of which want and need his fierce street-style dance moves to win the highly coveted national step show competition....
Sequel of Half Baked (1998), it will follow JR and his friends as they search for money to bury one of his best friends who died from smoking the most powerful joint in the world....
A story about two lifelong criminals who maneuver through the shady underbelly of Los Angeles in search of wealth, love and redemption....