Mahabharat is a 2013 drama TV series on Star Plus based on Indian legendary epic of the same name. It has been produced by Swastik Pictures and features actors such as Saurabh Raj Jain as Lord Krishna, Shaheer Sheikh as Arjuna, Pooja Sharma as Draupadi, Aham Sharma as Karna and Arav Chowdhary as Bhishma Pitamah. The producers had creative associations with writer Salim Khan, author Devdutt Pattanaik, designer Bhanu Athaiya, music directors Ajay-Atul and Ismail Darbar, action director Ram Shetty ...
Agle Janam Mohe Bitiya Hi Kijo is an Indian television series based on the story of an impoverished teenage girl who has to support her family. It premiered on March 16, 2009 and aired every Monday to Thursday at 9:30 pm IST on Zee TV. It garnered high TRPs for Zee TV. The series was supposed to be produced by Film Farm Pvt. Ltd. and was called Gauna until the writer Kamlesh Kunti Singh rechristened it. It replaced the long-running soap opera Kasamh Se of Zee TV, which was produced by Balaji Te...
Chhoti Si Zindagi — later renamed Ek Nayi chhoti Si Zindagi — was an Indian television series that aired on Zee TV. It was based on the lives of two orphan sisters, Isha and Ira. It was produced by J.D. Majethia's Hats Off Productions and shot in areas in Northern India like Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh. The series premiered on April 4, 2011 and starred well-known Indian television actors Pavan Malhotra and Sushmita Mukherjee. It came back on January 3,2012 on Disney Channel India.It was picked up ...
The story revolves around one of the best archer of the Mahabharata, Karna and narrates the entire story of Mahabharata from Karna and Pandavas' birth to the eventual crowning of Karna in the Swarga. The show covers the life journey of Karna on his way to becoming a great warrior....
Pyar me thoda twist is a Romcom and action drama film. It's a story of a town near Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). The hero of the film Dheeraj Thakur and the Heroine Maya (Richa Mukherjee) love each other even after knowing the old rivalry between their families. A twist comes with the entry of Jwala Singh aka Mr. Wanted. Everyone in the town and the police are looking for Mr. Wanted. How the life of everyone changes with Jwala Singh's aka Mr. Wanted entry? Do Dheeraj and Maya able to convince their r...