The series focuses upon a summer camp called Galis, and the adventures of campers to Treasure Sargon - Boards Fate and Lost City. Galis is a spin-off of the series "The Dreamers"....
Galis - The Journey to Astra is a high-quality adventure film for children. The movie operates on two levels - as a suspenseful, entertaining fairytale, and as a coming-of-age story. Yonatan is at the height of his glory as the chosen one , but as always, there is only enough room at the top for one, and Yonatan has left all of his friends behind. When he finds himself in an alien world called Astra - Yonatan feels compelled to prove his abilities as a leader, and prove that he is the chosen one...
The Nerd Club members were thinking that summer break would be nothing but boredom, surprisingly they got an invitation to the summer's opening party of Heidy Shmetreling, the most popular girl in school. During the party, an envelope got stolen and The Nerd Club are mistaken as the only suspects. Could they prove their innocence?...