

TV Series



Eduard Klezla

Birthday: Born in in

Deathday: Alive

TV Credits

Česko hledá SuperStar

Character: Judge

Česko hledá SuperStar is the Czech version of Idol series. It is broadcast on Czech TV Nova, first series in spring 2004, the second a year later, the third series in autumn 2006. The show was very popular in 2004, with an audience of more than 3.5 million people; other media attention was also huge. The further series' rating was rather lower. In 2008, the program was superseded by the X Factor. However, Czech broadcaster TV Nova and broadcaster of Slovak version of Idol TV Markíza confirmed th...

Stopy života

Character: porotce soutěže


Movie Credits

The Musical, or The Way to Happiness

Character: Headmaster

Students from the Prague Conservatory leave for a workshop in the picturesque South Bohemian countryside, where they are placed before a demanding task, from which only some of them will emerge successful and they will then continue in their dream to be famous. Each of them will find their true path to happiness....

Made by Yusuf Kıtlık