The series centres on midwife Grace and her passionate colleagues at an unconventional birth centre attached to a major city hospital. A fierce advocate for her pregnant mothers-to- be, Grace's dubious work/life balance is about to get even more chaotic when a new arrival at the birth centre changes her life forever....
After winning the lottery, the Habib family move into Sydney's richest suburb to live the Australian dream, but their poshy next door neighbours are not all to happy about it....
Wagga is a country town that loves its sport but is divided over its loyalty for the rival codes, AFL and NRL. It's in this setting that we find our hero Chase Daylight, whose dream to play in the professional Rugby League is falling by the wayside, just like his relationship to Brooke. At his lowest point, Chase takes a leap of faith to sort out his life. But living this out is a far greater challenge than he imagined, especially among team mates who won't let him give up his partying ways with...